Import Topology (Topographic Production)

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Creates a geodatabase topology from a definition .xml file generated by the Export Topology tool in the Topographic Production toolbox.

Both this tool and the Export Topology tool allow you to share and create topologies within different geodatabases. The .xml file contains a definition of a topology, including feature class names, topology ranks, topology rules, and cluster tolerance.


  • This tool supports all data models, with a properly configured .xml definition file, and can be used on any feature dataset.


ImportTopology(in_feature_dataset, topology_definition_file)
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The feature dataset in which the topology will be created. The feature dataset must contain the feature classes listed in the topology_definition_file.

Feature Dataset

The .xml file that contains the topology definition.


Sortie dérivée

NomExplicationType de données

Output topology created by importing topology rules from the topology XML file.


Exemple de code

ImportTopology example (stand-alone script)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ImportTopology tool to create a new geodatabase topology from an XML definition file.

# Name:
# Description: Use the Import Topology tool to create a new geodatabase topology from an XML definition file

# Import System Modules
import arcpy

# Check Out Extensions

# Setting Local Variables
feature_dataset = r'C:\Temp\Test.gdb\Features'
topology_definition = r'C:\Temp\Topology.xml'

# Use the Import Topology tool to create a new geodatabase topology
arcpy.topographic.ImportTopology(feature_dataset, topology_definition)

# Check In Extensions


Cet outil n'utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Requiert Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Requiert Production Mapping

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