You can create one or more jobs of the selected job type and assign the jobs to a user. The created jobs can be given a priority and have an area of interest (AOI) defined from a feature layer or feature class.
Remarque :
The CreateJob privilege is required to create jobs.
Héritage :
This is a deprecated tool. This functionality has been replaced with the Create New Jobs tool that now creates jobs with group assignment and point of interest as well.
Jobs are created with properties configured in the Job Type. If a value for the user assignment and priority are not specified, the default properties configured in the job type are used.
When Merge features to create one AOI is checked (Union_option = "UNION" in Python), the Number of Jobs To Create parameter is ignored and one job will be created based on the geometric union of all features in the AOI Extent parameter. If Merge features to create one AOI is unchecked (Union_option = "NO_UNION" in Python), one job will be created for each feature in the AOI Extent parameter and the Number of Jobs To Create parameter is ignored.
When the tool is used in a model, you can iterate through each of the output Job IDs by connecting the output to a submodel with an Iterate Multivalue iterator as the first step. This will allow you to use each newly created Job ID individually to perform further geoprocessing analysis that is included in the submodel.
CreateJobs(Input_DatabasePath, Job_Types, Number_of_Jobs, {Users}, {Priority_of_Jobs}, {Feature_Layer_AOI}, {Union_option})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
Input_DatabasePath | The Workflow Manager database connection file that contains the job type information. If no connection file is specified, the current default workflow manager database is used. | File |
Job_Types | The job type to be used for creating the new job. | String |
Number_of_Jobs | Number of new jobs to be created. This input is ignored if the Feature_Layer_AOI parameter has a value or if Union_option = "UNION" is selected. | Long |
Users (Facultatif) | The user the new jobs will be assigned to. If no value is specified, the default value configured in the job type is used. The user or group the new jobs will be assigned to. If no value is specified, the default value configured in the job type is used. | String |
Priority_of_Jobs (Facultatif) | Priority of the jobs created. If no priority is specified, the default value configured in the job type is used. | String |
Feature_Layer_AOI (Facultatif) | The polygon features whose geometry will be used to create the Area of Interest (AOI) of the new jobs. One job will be created for each feature in the layer unless Union_option = "UNION". | Feature Layer |
Union_option (Facultatif) | Choose whether to create one job with the union of all AOI polygons.
| Boolean |
Sortie dérivée
Nom | Explication | Type de données |
Job_ID | The id of jobs created. When the AOI overlap system setting is set to disallow AOI overlap, the jobs and their respective AOI are created only for those geometries that do not overlap with any existing AOI. |
Exemple de code
Create jobs from a job template and assign to a user.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Local variables:
Input_DatabasePath = "C:\\Program Files\\WMX\\Database\\wmx.jtc"
Job_Types = "Data Edits"
Users = "Postinstall User"
Priority_of_Jobs = "High"
Number_of_Jobs = 2
Feature_Layer_AOI = r"c:\AOI.gdb\AOI"
Union_Option = "UNION"
# Process: Create jobs
Informations de licence
- Basic: Non
- Standard: Requiert Workflow Manager
- Advanced: Requiert Workflow Manager