Custom formats

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Custom formats are transformation workspaces persisted to .fds files that are recognized as reader formats in the formats gallery. Custom formats can be used in the same way as any other format and shared between compatible installations of Data Interoperability.

You can create a custom format in the following ways:

  • In FME Workbench, author a workspace that creates file geodatabase features. Then click File > Export as Custom Format on the main menu.
  • In FME Reader Gallery, click the New button and use Create Custom Format Wizard.


Creating a custom format adds the format to the FME Reader Gallery. Once created, subsequent uses of the gallery allow you to edit the format in FME Workbench or delete it from the list. Deleting a custom format removes the .fds file from your desktop.

Custom formats are useful in the following scenarios:

  • Multiple transformation workspaces must use the same base data and apply the same transformations.
  • Multiple, possibly remote, users must use the same base data and apply the same transformations.
  • Workspaces benefit from having sections condensed or abstracted out of the canvas but retain the ability to be centrally managed.

Where to find custom format files

By default, custom formats are saved in the following locations:

Operating systemFolder location

Windows 10

C:\Users\<login name>\Documents\FME\Formats

Folder locations for custom formats