Add batch jobs to a project

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Batch jobs are sets of configured data checks that are used to ensure that your data meets specific business rules or a product specification. They are created using tools in ArcMap and allow you to find conditions that range from invalid geometries to features with spatial relationships and metadata element issues.

In ArcGIS Pro, you can add multiple batch jobs to a project. This allows you to include batch jobs that validate data in your project. Once the batch jobs are included in the project, you can interactively run them on the full database or current map extent.

Add batch jobs from the file system

Batch jobs can be added to the project from a file system location on a local machine or a shared location on your organization's network. This method allows you to add multiple batch jobs to the project at once. For example, if there is a shared location that stores all the batch jobs for your data, you can add them to the project all at once.

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Project group, click the Connections drop-down arrow and click Add Reviewer Batch Jobs.
  2. Browse to the directory that contains the batch jobs and select one or more to add to the project.

    Multiple batch jobs can be selected by pressing the Ctrl or Shift key and clicking the batch job files.

  3. Click OK.

    The Reviewer Batch Jobs folder appears in the Catalog pane, with the added batch jobs inside of it.

    Remarque :

    You can view information about the contents of a batch job by right-clicking the batch job item and clicking View Metadata. The Item Description information is useful in determining the number and type of checks configured in the batch job.

Add batch jobs from a folder connection

You can add individual batch jobs to your project from folder connections. Batch jobs stored in a project's folder connection can be added to the project and used to validate data referenced by the project.

  1. If needed, add a connection to a folder that contains batch jobs.
  2. Expand the folder that contains batch jobs.
  3. Right-click a batch job and click Add To Project.

    The batch job is added to the Reviewer Batch Jobs folder on the Catalog pane. If this folder does not already exist, it is created.

    Remarque :

    You can view information about the contents of a batch job by right-clicking the batch job item and clicking View Metadata. The Item Description information is useful in determining the number and type of checks configured in the batch job.

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 as needed to add batch jobs to the project.