Disponible avec une licence Aviation Airports.
Exports one or more FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-18B compliant shapefiles from a geodatabase that contains the ArcGIS Aviation Airports schema.
The output workspace must contain the 18B data model.
Export shapefiles will contain the schema defined in Appendix D of AC 150/5300-18B.
Duplicate features are reported as warnings. More detailed information on which features are duplicates can be found in the Results window.
arcpy.aviation.ExportFAA18BShapefiles(in_workspace, target_folder, {in_features})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
in_workspace | The workspace that contains the airport data. | Workspace |
target_folder | The folder to which shapefiles are written. | Folder |
in_features [in_features,...] (Facultatif) | A list of feature classes to export to shapefiles. If this parameter is not set, all feature classes in the input workspace are exported to shapefiles. | String |
Sortie dérivée
Nom | Explication | Type de données |
output_folder | The updated target folder. | Folder |
Exemple de code
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ExportFAA18BShapefiles tool.
# Name: ExportFAA18BShapefiles.py
# Description: Exports 3 Airports feature classes to shapefiles.
# Author: Esri
# Date: August 2018
import arcpy
# local variables for workspace and output parameters
airports_gdb = "C:/data/airports.gdb"
outLocation = "C:/data"
# option to create a list of the input features to export
inFeatures = ["Obstacle", "ObstructionArea", "LandmarkSegment"]
# export to FAA 18B shapefile format
arcpy.ExportFAA18BShapefiles_aviation(airports_gdb, outLocation, inFeatures)
Informations de licence
- Basic: Non
- Standard: Requiert Airports
- Advanced: Requiert Airports