Light Signal Clearance Surface (Aviation)

Cette documentation ArcGIS 2.7 a été archivée et n’est plus mise à jour. Certains contenus et liens peuvent être obsolètes. Consultez la dernière version de la documentation.

Disponible avec une licence Aviation Airports.

Disponible avec une licence Aviation Charting.


Creates a Light Signal Clearance Surface (LSCS) based on the FAA Engineering Brief (EB) 95.

A LSCS determines which objects are vertical obstructions. An object is considered as vertical obstruction if it penetrates the LSCS. Surfaces are used to support planning and design activities.


  • The Input Runway Features parameter must be z-enabled.

  • This tool creates the Obstruction Identification Surface (OIS) in an existing polygon or multipatch feature class. It can also be generated in an existing polygon shapefile. If a feature class is selected for Target OIS Features, it must have a vertical spatial reference.

  • OIS tools are flexible and accept a variety of input and output feature class types. For more information, see the OIS Input and Output schemas.

  • The Input Airport Control Point Feature parameter can be used to supply x-, y-, and z-geometry for displaced threshold features. If displaced thresholds are included, surfaces will be constructed based on their x-, y-, and z-geometry instead of their corresponding runway feature endpoint.


arcpy.aviation.LightSignalClearanceSurface(in_features, target, {runway_direction}, {length}, {divergence}, {slope}, {distance_from_threshold}, {first_papi_light}, {last_papi_light}, {start_height}, {airport_control_point_feature_class}, {surface_position})
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The input runway dataset. The feature class must be z-enabled and contain polylines.

Feature Layer

The target feature class that will contain the generated obstruction identification surfaces.

Feature Layer

Specifies the end of the runway where the approach surface will be created.

  • HIGH_RUNWAY_END_DESIGNATOR The approach surface will be created at the high end of the runway. This is the default.
  • LOW_RUNWAY_END_DESIGNATORThe approach surface will be created at the low end of the runway.

The length of the surface in miles. The default value is 8.


The divergence of the surface in degrees. The default value is 14.


The slope of the surface in degrees. The default value is 1.


The distance from the threshold in feet. The default value is 1000.


The location of the first precision approach path indicator. The default value is 60.


The location of the last precision approach path indicator. The default value is 120.


The start height of the surface. The default value is 35.


Supplies x-, y-, and z-geometry for displaced threshold features. If displaced thresholds are included, surfaces will be constructed based on their x-, y-, and z-geometry instead of their corresponding runway feature endpoint.

Feature Layer

Specifies the position of the precision approach path indicator (PAPI) lights on either side of a runway. The position of the PAPI lights will be used to determine the position of the output surface.

  • SURFACE_GENERATED_ON_LEFTPAPI lights are on the left approach side of the runway. The surface will generate on the left approach side of the runway. This is the default.
  • SURFACE_GENERATED_ON_RIGHTPAPI lights are on the right approach side of the runway. The surface will generate on the right approach side of the runway.

Sortie dérivée

NomExplicationType de données

The updated feature class containing the generated Obstruction Identification Surface.

Feature Layer

Exemple de code

LightSignalClearanceSurface example (stand-alone script)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the LightSignalClearanceSurface tool.

import arcpy


# Input Runway Feature Class
inFeatures = r"C:\data\ois.gdb\RunwayCenterline"

# Feature class that will contain the OIS surface
outFeatures= r"C:\data\ois.gdb\ObstructionIdSurface"

# Define surface dimensions
length = 8
divergence = 14
slope = 1
distance_from_threshold = 1000
first_papi_light = 60
last_papi_light = 120
start_height = 35

# Generate Light Signal Clearance Surface
arcpy.LightSignalClearanceSurface_aviation(inFeatures, outFeatures, runway,
                                           length, divergence, slope,
                                           first_papi_light, last_papi_light,



Cet outil n'utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Requiert Airports, ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Requiert Airports, ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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