Create Versioned View (Gestion des données)

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Creates a versioned view on a table or feature class.

Héritage :

This is a deprecated tool. This functionality is no longer needed because versioned views are automatically created when data is registered as versioned.


  • The table or feature class must be registered as versioned.

Syntaxe, {in_name})
ParamètreExplicationType de données

Input table or feature class for which a versioned view will be created.

Table View

Name for the versioned view that is created. If nothing is specified the output versioned view name is the name of the table or feature class with _evw appended to the end.


Sortie dérivée

NomExplicationType de données

Exemple de code

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the Create Versioned View tool.

arcpy.CreateVersionedView_management("Database Connections\\admin.sde\\bender.GDB.cities", "cities_MV_view")

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Oui
  • Advanced: Oui