Video Metadata To Feature Class (Image Analyst)

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Disponible avec une licence Image Analyst.


Extracts the platform, frame center, frame outline, and attributes metadata from an FMV-compliant video. The output geometry and attributes are saved as feature classes.


  • This tool exports FMV-compliant video metadata as feature classes, with all the metadata as fields in an attribute table. These features can be used for sensor location, video frame outline, and video frame center to verify proper data coverage, perform spatial queries, and to perform attribute queries to quickly find video frames of interest.

  • The tool only accepts archived video files as input, not live video streams.

  • The tool requires that an FMV-compliant video file be used as input. The tool will fail if the video does not contain MISB 0601 metadata in the video stream, or if that stream contains no metadata packets.

  • The tool can have four types of outputs, and you must specify at least one output. The tool will fail if all four outputs are left empty.


VideoMetadataToFeatureClass(in_video, {csv_file}, {flightpath}, {flightpath_type}, {imagepath}, {imagepath_type}, {footprint}, {start_time}, {stop_time}, {min_distance}, {min_time})
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The FMV-compliant input video file containing essential metadata for each frame of the video data. The supported video file types include PS, TS, MPG, MPEG, MP2, MPG2, MPEG2, MP4, MPG4, MPEG4, H264, VOB, and M2TS.


A comma-separated values (CSV) file containing metadata about the video frames for specific times.

This metadata file is in the same format used by the Video Multiplexer tool.


The feature class containing the sensor's flight path information.

Feature Class

Specifies the feature class type for the flight path.

  • POINTPoint feature class.
  • POLYLINEPolyline feature class. This is the default.

The output feature class containing the image path information.

Feature Class

Specifies the feature class type for the image path. If you're using a point output, the center of each video frame image will appear on the map.

  • POINTPoint feature class.
  • POLYLINEPolyline feature class. This is the default.

The output feature class containing the video image footprint information.

Feature Class

The metadata recording start time from the beginning of the video. The input format is d.hh:mm:ss, and the default start time is 0.00:00:00. Metadata time stamps are not used in this field; the time of the video file is used.

Time Unit; Date

The metadata recording end time. The input format is d.hh:mm:ss. If not set, the value will default to the end of the video. Metadata time stamps are not used in this field.

Time Unit; Date

The distance between the features in sequential video frames. If left blank, every metadata feature will be extracted and added to the feature class.

Linear Unit

The time interval between the features in sequential video frames. If left blank, every metadata feature will be extracted and added to the feature class.

Time Unit

Exemple de code

VideoMetadataToFeatureClass example 1 (Python window)

This example extracts and saves the platform, frame center, frame outline, and attributes metadata from a FMV-compliant video.

import arcpy
    r"C:\test\input_video.ts", r"C:\output\outmeta.csv",
    r"C:\test\meta.gdb\flight_path", "POLYLINE", r"C:\test\meta.gdb\image_path",
    "POINT", r"C:\test\meta.gdb\image_footprint")
VideoMetadataToFeatureClass example 2 (stand-alone script)

This example extracts and saves the platform, frame center, frame outline, and attributes metadata from a FMV-compliant video.

import arcpy


in_video = "c:\\test\\drone_vid.ts"
out_metadata = "c:\\output\\outmeta.csv"
flight_path = "C:\\test\\meta.gdb\\flight_path"
flight_path_type = "POLYLINE"
image_path = "C:\\test\\meta.gdb\\image_path"
image_path_type = "POINT"
image_footprint = "C:\\test\\meta.gdb\\image_footprint"
start_time = "1 Seconds"
stop_time = "60 Seconds"
distance_between = "2 Meters"
min_time_between = "20 Seconds"

    in_video, out_metadata, flight_path, flight_path_type, image_path,
    image_path_type, image_footprint, start_time, stop_time, distance_between,


Cet outil n'utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Requiert Image Analyst
  • Standard: Requiert Image Analyst
  • Advanced: Requiert Image Analyst

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