Disponible avec la licence Location Referencing.
Generates calibration points for any route shape provided, including complex shapes such as self-closing, self-intersecting, and branched routes.
An LRS dataset is required to run this tool. To create an LRS dataset, add the calibration point, centerline, and redline layers to a feature dataset; then run the Modify LRS tool with the geodatabase as the input.
Input Polyline Features are the basis for the calibration points that will be generated.
Calibration Point Feature Class must be registered with the LRS.
LRS Network must be registered with the LRS.
Derived LRS Networks are not supported as the LRS Network.
Z-values are considered when calculating the geometric length of the centerlines.
Gap calibration rules are followed when generating calibration points.
Learn more about calibrating routes with physical gaps in ArcGIS Roads and Highways or calibrating routes with physical gaps in ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing.
arcpy.locref.GenerateCalibrationPoints(in_polyline_features, route_id_field, from_date_field, to_date_field, in_calibration_point_feature_class, lrs_network, {calibration_direction}, {calibration_method})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
in_polyline_features | The features that will be used as the source to calculate the measure values for calibration points. | Feature Layer |
route_id_field | The field containing values that uniquely identify each route. The field type must match the Route ID field in the calibration point feature class. | Field |
from_date_field | The field containing the From Date values of a route. | Field |
to_date_field | The field containing the To Date values of a route. | Field |
in_calibration_point_feature_class | The existing calibration point feature class to which new features will be added. | Feature Layer |
lrs_network | The LRS Network for which the measure values will be generated in the calibration points feature class. | String |
calibration_direction (Facultatif) | Specifies the direction of increasing calibration on a route when creating new calibration points.
| String |
calibration_method (Facultatif) | The method used to determine the measures on a route when creating calibration points.
| String |
Sortie dérivée
Nom | Explication | Type de données |
out_calibration_point_feature_class | The updated calibration features. | Feature Layer |
out_details_file | A text file that details changes made by the tool. | Text File |
Exemple de code
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GenerateCalibrationPoints function in the Python window.
# Name: GenerateCalibrationPoints.py
# Description: Build calibration point features when an LRS already exists in the geodatabase.
# Requires: ArcGIS Location Referencing
# Check out license
# Tool variables:
in_polyline_features = "SourceRoutes"
route_id_field = "RouteID"
from_date_field = "FromDate"
to_date_field = "ToDate"
in_calibration_point_feature_class = "Calibration_Point"
lrs_network = "NonLineNetwork"
# Set current workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Data\UPDM.gdb"
# Execute Generate Calibration Points
arcpy.GenerateCalibrationPoints_locref(in_polyline_features, route_id_field, from_date_field, to_date_field, in_calibration_point_feature_class, lrs_network, 'MEASURE_DIRECTION', 'GEOMETRY_LENGTH')
# Check in license
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the GenerateCalibrationPoints function.
# Name: GenerateCalibrationPoints.py
# Description: Build calibration point features when an LRS already exists in the geodatabase.
# Requires: ArcGIS Location Referencing
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out license
# Local variables:
SourceRoutes = r"C:\Data\SourceData.gdb\LRS\SourceRoutes"
RouteID = "RouteID"
FromDate = "FromDate"
ToDate = "ToDate"
CalibrationPoint = r"C:\\Data\UPDM.gdb\LRS\Calibration_Point"
Network = "EngineeringNetwork"
# Process: Generate Calibration Points
arcpy.GenerateCalibrationPoints_locref(SourceRoutes, RouteID, FromDate, ToDate, CalibrationPoint, Network, 'MEASURE_DIRECTION', 'GEOMETRY_LENGTH')
# Check in license
- Facteur de traitement parallèle
The default value for this environment, if left blank, is 100%. Any absolute value for the environment is always clamped between 0 and the number of logical cores in that machine.
Informations de licence
- Basic: Requiert ArcGIS Location Referencing
- Standard: Requiert ArcGIS Location Referencing
- Advanced: Requiert ArcGIS Location Referencing