Deletes the replication information on a parent repository and sends a web service call to all the child repositories in the cluster. Consequently, the replication information is cleared from all the repositories participating in the cluster.
The replication information to be deleted must exist when running this tool.
arcpy.wmx.ClearJobReplicationInfo(Input_Repository_URL, {Input_DatabasePath})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
Input_Repository_URL | The URL for the Workflow Manager (Classic) Server Object as defined on the server. For example, http://ServerName/arcgis/rest/services/ServerObjectName/WMServer. | String |
Input_DatabasePath (Facultatif) | The Workflow Manager (Classic) connection file (.jtc) for the database from which to delete the replication information. If no connection file is specified, the current default Workflow Manager (Classic) database is used. | File |
Sortie dérivée
Nom | Explication | Type de données |
Output_Status | The result of the clear job replication information operation. Returns 0 on success. | Long |
Exemple de code
Clear job replication information tool deletes the replication information on a parent.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Script arguments
Input_Repository_URL = "http://ServerName/arcgis/rest/services/ServerObjectName/WMServer"
Input_DatabasePath = "C:\\Program Files\\WMX\\Database\\wmx.jtc"
# Process: Clear Job Replication Information
arcpy.ClearJobReplicationInfo_wmx(Input_Repository_URL, Input_DatabasePath)
Informations de licence
- Basic: Non
- Standard: Requiert Workflow Manager
- Advanced: Requiert Workflow Manager