Gets the job's location of interest (LOI) as a feature layer. The output layer has either the polygon representing the area of interest (AOI) of the job or point representing the point of interest (POI) of the job.
The Input Job ID must be for a job that currently exists in the repository and has location of interest features defined. If there are no location of interest features, an empty output will be generated.
The output layer has either the polygon representing the area of interest (AOI) of the job or point representing the point of interest (POI) of the job. For more information about the location of interest see: Location of interest.
The output layer can be used as input to other tools and models. It may also be saved as a feature class using the Copy Features tool.
arcpy.wmx.GetJobAOI(Input_JobID, aoi_Layer, {Input_DatabasePath})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
Input_JobID | The ID of the job whose AOI is to be retrieved. | String |
aoi_Layer | The layer name for the location of interest retrieved. The output layer has either the polygon representing the area of interest (AOI) of the job or point representing the point of interest (POI) of the job. | Feature Layer |
Input_DatabasePath (Facultatif) | The Workflow Manager (Classic) database connection file for the input job. If no connection file is specified, the current default Workflow Manager (Classic) database in the project is used. | File |
Exemple de code
Gets the jobs location of interest (LOI) layer as a feature layer. The output layer has either the polygon representing the area of interest (AOI) of the job or point representing the point of interest (POI) of the job.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Local variables:
Input_JobID = "1"
LOI_Layer = "LOILayer_Job1"
Input_DatabasePath = "C:\\Program Files\\WMX\\Database\\wmx.jtc"
# Process: Get Job AOI
arcpy.GetJobAOI_wmx(Input_JobID, LOI_Layer, Input_DatabasePath)
Informations de licence
- Basic: Non
- Standard: Requiert Workflow Manager
- Advanced: Requiert Workflow Manager