Disponible avec une licence Workflow Manager.
Imports configuration and job information from a Workflow Manager (Classic) repository to a destination repository. This tool is most useful for setting up a repository similar to an existing repository, disconnected repository replica creation, and changing synchronization.
The Repository Name parameter is the name of the Workflow Manager (Classic) repository to which you will connect.
The Input JXL/Acknowledgement file is generated using the Export Job Data tool.
The Merge parameter allows you to append the contents of the input JXL file to the existing configuration in your database. If the Merge parameter is not checked, the existing contents of the specified repository will be deleted.
arcpy.wmx.ImportJobData(Input_File, Input_Merge, {Input_DatabasePath}, {Input_Repository_Name})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
Input_File | The JXL file that contains the jobs and configuration elements generated using the Export Job Data tool. | File |
Input_Merge | Specifies whether contents of the destination Workflow Manager (Classic) repository should be combined rather than overwritten with the contents of the input configuration file.
| Boolean |
Input_DatabasePath (Facultatif) | The Workflow Manager (Classic) connection file that contains the connection information to the destination repository. If no connection file is specified, the current default Workflow Manager (Classic) database in the project will be used. | File |
Input_Repository_Name (Facultatif) | The name of the repository as specified in the Workflow Manager (Classic) system settings. This name should be unique within all the repositories in your cluster. If the repository name is not specified, the current default Workflow Manager (Classic) repository name will be used. | String |
Sortie dérivée
Nom | Explication | Type de données |
Output_Status | The result of the import job data operation. Returns 0 on success. | Long |
Exemple de code
Import the configuration, with job information, of a Workflow Manager (Classic) repository, replacing the existing contents of the destination repository.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Script arguments
Input_File = "C:\\Temp\\WMXRepository.jxl"
Input_Merge = "REPLACE"
Input_DatabasePath = "C:\\Program Files\\WMX\\Database\\wmx.jtc"
Input_Repository_Name = "WMXRepository"
# Process: Import Job Data
arcpy.ImportJobData_wmx(Input_File, Input_Merge, Input_DatabasePath, Input_Repository_Name)
Import the configuration, with job information, of a Workflow Manager (Classic) repository, merging the contents of the .jxl file with the existing contents of the destination repository.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Script arguments
Input_File = "C:\\Temp\\WMXRepository.jxl"
Input_Merge = "COMBINE"
Input_DatabasePath = "C:\\Program Files\\WMX\\Database\\wmx.jtc"
Input_Repository_Name = "WMXRepository"
# Process: Import Job Data
arcpy.ImportJobData_wmx(Input_File, Input_Merge, Input_DatabasePath, Input_Repository_Name)
Informations de licence
- Basic: Non
- Standard: Requiert Workflow Manager
- Advanced: Requiert Workflow Manager