Provides information about the historical traffic information stored in the network dataset such as the speed profile table and time slice durations.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
timeInterval (Lecture seule) | The time interval of the traffic data. | Double |
timeIntervalUnits (Lecture seule) | The units of the time interval of the traffic data. This property returns the following keywords:
| String |
firstTimeSliceFieldName (Lecture seule) | The field name of the first time slice of the given period in the profile table. | String |
lastTimeSliceFieldName (Lecture seule) | The field name of the last time slice of the given period in the profile table. | String |
firstTimeSliceStartTime (Lecture seule) | The start time of valid period of day for traffic data. | String |
timeSliceDurationInMinutes (Lecture seule) | The duration of time slice in minutes. | Integer |
profilesTableName (Lecture seule) | The name of the table containing profiles. | String |
joinTableName (Lecture seule) | The name of the join table between edges and profiles. | String |
joinTableBaseTravelTimeFieldName (Lecture seule) | The field name for base travel time in the join table. | String |
joinTableBaseTravelTimeUnits (Lecture seule) | The units for the base travel time in the join table. This property returns the following keywords:
| String |
joinTableProfileIDFieldNames (Lecture seule) | A Python list containing field names of the join table pointing to speed profiles. | List |
joinTableBaseSpeedFieldName (Lecture seule) | The field name for base speed in the join table. | String |
joinTableBaseSpeedUnits (Lecture seule) | The units for the base speed in the join table. This property returns the following keywords:
| String |
lengthAttributeName (Lecture seule) | The name of the network cost attribute used to define the length along the elements of the network. This attribute is used to calculate the travel time for a given edge based on the speed if the historical traffic data is speed based. This property can be used to determine if a network dataset has been configured using a speed-based or time-based profile type. If the historical traffic data is time based, this property returns an empty string. | String |
Exemple de code
Display a summary of the historical traffic information for the network dataset.
# Name: NDSHistoricalTrafficDataProperties_ex01.py
# Description: Print historical traffic information for the network dataset.
import arcpy
import sys
# Set the workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/SanFrancisco.gdb/Transportation"
# Create Describe object for the network dataset
desc = arcpy.Describe("Streets_ND")
#Get the historical traffic data object
if desc.supportsHistoricalTrafficData:
traffic = desc.historicalTrafficData
#If the directions are not set for the network dataset, exit
print("No historical traffic information")
print("Historical Traffic Information ----")
print("Time interval: " , traffic.timeInterval)
print("Time interval units: " , traffic.timeIntervalUnits)
print("First time slice field name: " , traffic.firstTimeSliceFieldName)
print("Last time slice field name: " , traffic.lastTimeSliceFieldName)
print("First time slice start time: " , traffic.firstTimeSliceStartTime)
print("Time slice duration in minutes: ",traffic.timeSliceDurationInMinutes)
print("Profiles table name: ", traffic.profilesTableName)
print("Join table name: ", traffic.joinTableName)
print("Join table base travel time field name: ", traffic.joinTableBaseTravelTimeFieldName)
print("Join table base travel time units: ", traffic.joinTableBaseTravelTimeUnits)
print("Join table ProfileID field names: ", traffic.joinTableProfileIDFieldNames)