Returns a list of valid transformation methods. An extent can be used to narrow the list of valid transformation methods for a specific geographic area.
The most appropriate transformation is usually the first one in the returned list. The list is sorted by amount of overlap of the data versus the areas of use of the transformations. If two or more transformations have the same amount of overlap with the data, the transformation accuracy values are used as a secondary sort parameter.
ListTransformations (from_sr, to_sr, {extent})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
from_sr | The starting geographic coordinate system. This can be specified with a SpatialReference object, the name of the spatial reference, or a path to a projection file (.prj). | SpatialReference |
to_sr | The final geographic coordinate system. This can be specified with a SpatialReference object, the name of the spatial reference, or a path to a projection file (.prj). | SpatialReference |
extent | Only transformations that span the entire extent will be returned. The extent needs to be specified in coordinates from the from_sr. When working with data, the extent on a Describe object can be used. | Extent |
Type de données | Explication |
String | A list of valid transformation methods. |
Exemple de code
Use ListTransformations to identify valid transformations for projecting from one coordinate system to another.
import arcpy
from_sr = arcpy.SpatialReference('WGS 1984')
to_sr = arcpy.SpatialReference('NAD 1927 StatePlane California VI FIPS 0406')
extent = arcpy.Extent(-178.217598182, 18.9217863640001,
-66.969270909, 71.4062354550001)
transformations = arcpy.ListTransformations(from_sr, to_sr, extent)