ArcPy class that provides access to the group of linked property rows associated with the job. It is comprised of 0 or more ExtendedProperty objects.
Linked properties store business-specific information as part of the job that is not covered by the default job properties. Linked properties have one-to-many (1-many) cardinality, and there are zero or more sets of properties associated with the job. To configure and use linked properties in your job types, you must create a new geodatabase table in the Workflow Manager (Classic) Repository. Then configure Workflow Manager (Classic) to recognize this table as an extension to the rest of the system tables.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
alias (Lecture seule) | The alias of the extended property or linked property table associated with the job. | String |
cardinality (Lecture seule) | The cardinality of the extended property or linked property table associated with the job. | String |
jobID (Lecture seule) | The ID of the job with which the extended property or linked property table is associated. | Integer |
name (Lecture seule) | The name of the extended property or linked property table associated with the job. | String |
Vue d’ensemble des méthodes
Méthode | Explication |
createRecord () | Creates a new linked property record associated with the job, as an ExtendedProperty object. |
deleteRecord (record) | Deletes one linked property record associated with the job. |
createRecord ()
Type de données | Explication |
ExtendedProperty | The new linked property record associated with the job, as an ExtendedProperty object. |
Linked property records are created after job creation as required. A job can have zero or more linked property records.
The following script creates a linked property record associated with the job and updates the value of cells.
import arcpy
#Establish a connection to a Workflow database
conn = arcpy.wmx.Connect(r'c:\test\Workflow.jtc')
#Access a Workflow Job with linked properties
job = conn.getJob(99999)
#Get the linked properties table associated with the job
prop_table = job.getExtendedPropertyTable('wmx.linked_properties')
#Create new record in the linked property table
new_record = prop_table.createRecord()
#Update value of cells for the new record
new_record['requestor_name'].data='Fire Department'
new_record['request_date'].data=datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 30, 12, 30, 45)
deleteRecord (record)
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
record | The linked property record as an ExtendedProperty object. | ExtendedProperty |
Linked property records can be deleted as required.
The following script deletes a record from the linked property table.
import arcpy
#Establish a connection to a Workflow database
conn = arcpy.wmx.Connect(r'c:\test\Workflow.jtc')
#Access a Workflow Job with linked properties
job = conn.getJob(99999)
#Get the linked properties table associated with the job
prop_table = job.getExtendedPropertyTable('wmx.linked_properties')
#Delete a linked property record
record = prop_table[0]
Exemple de code
The following script gets a linked property table associated with the job and prints the name of all the linked property cells along with the column sorted by display order.
import arcpy
#Establish a connection to a Workflow database
conn = arcpy.wmx.Connect(r'c:\test\Workflow.jtc')
#Access a Workflow Job with linked properties
job = conn.getJob(99999)
#Get the linked properties table associated with the job
prop_table = job.getExtendedPropertyTable('wmx.linked_properties')
#Iterate over linked properties and print name of all linked property cells with columns sorted by display order
for row in prop_table:
for(name,value) in (sorted(row, key=lambda x: x[1].displayOrder)):
print("{0} = {1}" .format(name,value.data))