Identify missing features

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Visual review is a semiautomated review method commonly used for validating features in your map. This process involves manually reviewing data to assess its quality in ways that automated review methods cannot or were not designed to accomplish. This involves a general inspection of the data and may also include comparing the data against another data source (such as aerial photography).

Using the Flag Missing Features tool, you can create an error result indicating the location of missing features.

  1. In the Catalog pane, open the map that contains features that require visual review.
  2. In the Contents pane, select the source feature layer and subtype that is missing a feature.
    Remarque :
    • The Flag Missing Features tool requires a feature layer to be selected in the Contents pane.
    • Selecting multiple layers in the Contents pane will disable the Flag Missing Features tool. Only one layer can be selected at a time.
    • Feature layers need to be symbolized by subtype for the Flag Missing Features tool to capture a feature result that specifies the subtype of the selected feature layer.
  3. On the Edit tab, click Manage Quality Gérer la qualité to open the Manage Quality tab.
  4. On the Manage Quality tab, in the Results group, click Symbolize Symboliser to enable the display of feature results and sampling results in your active map.
  5. On the Manage Quality tab, in the Semi-Automated Review group, click the Flag Missing Features drop-down arrow.

    The Error Type, Description, Notes, and Severity settings are displayed.

    Flag Missing Features context menu
    Remarque :

    Settings in Flag Missing Features are persisted and will display the values you last used.

  6. Choose the Error Type that best describes the error.
    Remarque :

    If you choose Custom, the Description can be edited to capture unique values.

  7. Optionally update the missing feature's Notes and Severity properties.
  8. Click Flag Missing Features Signaler les entités manquantes to start the tool.
  9. Hover over the location you want to add a missing feature to in the active map.

    The pointer changes to the Flag Missing Features pointer and displays the name of the source feature layer and subtype.

    Flag Missing Features pointer

  10. Click locations in the active map to create one or more missing features.
  11. When you're done creating missing features, click the map in the Contents pane to stop the Flag Missing Features tool.
    Remarque :

    The Flag Missing Features tool is designed to commit results only to a Data Reviewer workspace.

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