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Cartographic realignment is the method of updating route geometry based on aerial imagery, as-built drawings, or input from field data collectors in a manner that does not change its measures. This can be achieved by direct modifications to the centerline that is associated with the route.
Learn more about applying cartographic realignment
Remarque :
Events are not updated until the Apply Event Behaviors geoprocessing tool is applied after route edits. If you are using conflict prevention, you are prompted to run Apply Event Behaviors, which must be done before posting can be completed.
The following sections detail the results of executing this tool on event features.
Cartographic realignment scenario
When cartographic realignment occurs, events are impacted, depending on the configured event behavior for each event layer. The following are the results of executing the Apply Event Behaviors geoprocessing tool on event features.
Honor Route Measure behavior
The geographic location and the measures of the event change to that of the resultant cartographically realigned route, and the route and the event always remain in sync. Since the route is not time-sliced, the event is also not time-sliced because of this operation.
When performing a cartographic realignment, you may choose the Honor Route Measure rule.
Behavior | Description |
Honor Route Measure | Preserves the measure of the event |
Remarque :
Point events follow the same behavior as linear events.
Detailed behavior results
The following section details how event behavior rules are enforced when a route is cartographically realigned.
Honor Route Measure behavior
The Honor Route Measure rule either preserves the measure of the event or changes the measure proportionally to the route's measure change.
Route ID | From date | To date | Line name |
Route1 | 1/1/2000 | <null> | East Line |
Event ID | Route ID | From date | To date | From measure | To measure |
Event1 | Route1 | 1/1/2000 | <null> | 0 | 10 |