Introduction to ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator

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ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator provides tools and components that allow you to configure Workflow Manager (Classic) repositories. After you download and install Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator from My Esri, you can create Workflow Manager (Classic) repositories, add database connections to existing Workflow Manager (Classic) repositories, and manage users, as well as configure, job types, workflows, and step types.

Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator also allows you to right-click items such as workflows, steps, and maps in one repository and copy them to another repository. In this way, you can share elements between your repositories.

File menu

The File menu contains the following options:

  • Add Connection—Add a Workflow Manager (Classic) database connection.
  • Exit—Exit the application.

Import/Export menu

The Import/Export menu contains the following options:

  • Import Configuration—Import a Workflow Manager (Classic) configuration.
  • Export Configuration—Export a Workflow Manager (Classic) configuration.
  • Import Workflow Manager Package—Import a Workflow Manager (Classic) package
  • Import Active Directory Configuration—Import users from Active Directory.

Settings menu

The Settings menu contains the following:

Workflow Manager System Settings—View and update the Workflow Manager (Classic) system settings.

Help menu

The Help menu contains the following options:

  • Contents—Open the web help.
  • About—View general information about Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator for ArcGIS Pro.