Delete Workflow Manager (Classic) system tables

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Disponible avec une licence Workflow Manager.

The tables that compose the ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) repository are geodatabase tables. These tables are registered with your enterprise geodatabase and should be managed in the same way that you would any other geodatabase dataset.

It is highly recommended that you use ArcGIS Pro to remove these tables if you want to start from scratch or are no longer using the Workflow Manager (Classic) repository.

Remarque :

Before deleting the tables, make sure there are no users currently accessing Workflow Manager (Classic) to avoid locks or conflicts.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Create a database connection to your Workflow Manager (Classic) repository.
  3. Select all the tables and feature classes that start with JTX_.
  4. Right-click the selection and click Delete.

    The tables are removed from the repository.