Disponible avec une licence Workflow Manager.
Privileges allow Workflow Manager (Classic) administrators to restrict or allow application functionality to groups of users. By combining groups, users can be given many different combinations of functionality via privileges. Privileges allow the configuration of significantly more advanced roles. The privileges used by the default application are detailed below.
Privilege name | Description |
AdministratorAccess | User can access the Workflow Manager (Classic) database in Workflow Manager (Classic). Users can execute the Clear Job Replication, Import Job Data, Export Job Data, Replicate Job Data, and Synchronize Job Data geoprocessing tools. |
AOIOverlapOverride | User can create an overlapping AOI for a job where the AOI overlap rule applies. |
AssignAnyJob | User can assign any job to any individual or group at any time. |
AssignAnyPath | User can assign any path, at any time, to any user or group. |
AssignAnyStep | User can assign any step, at any time, to any user/group. |
CanAddAttachesForHeldJobs | User can override a hold to add attachments to a job. |
CanAddCommentsForHeldJobs | User can override a hold to add comments to a job and add a note to a job. |
CanChangeDates | User can change the start and due date of the job. |
CanChangeJobOwner | User can change the job owner. |
CanChangePriority | User can change the priority of the job. |
CanExportTransactions | User can export stored transactions for any job. |
CanRecreateWorkflow | User can recreate the workflow for an existing job assigned to them. |
CanReopenClosedJobs | User can reopen any closed job. |
CanSetDatabaseLogin | User can change their individual login for the data workspaces configured in the system. |
CanSetStep | User can set the current step of the job to any step they want at any time. |
CanSubscribeToNotifications | User can subscribe to any notification. |
CanTakeJobsOffline | User can take the job offline. |
CanUpdatePropsForHeldJobs | User can override a hold to modify properties on a job. |
CanUpdateUserProfile | User can change profile information. |
CloseJob | User can close a job when the workflow is complete. |
CreateJob | User can create/clone a job. |
CreateVersion | User can create the job version. |
DeleteJobs | User can delete jobs, versions, and job MXDs. |
DeleteMXD | User can delete job MXDs. |
DeleteVersion | User can delete editing versions. |
ExportJobs | User can export jobs to a configuration file. |
GroupJobAssign | User can assign any job that is assigned to their group(s) to anybody in their group(s). |
GroupStepAssign | User can assign any step that is assigned to their group(s) to anybody in their group(s). |
IndividualJobAssign | User can assign any job to themselves that is assigned to their group, and also back to their group from themselves. |
IndividualStepAssign | User can assign any step to themselves that is assigned to their group, and also back to their group from themselves. |
ManageAOI | User can modify the Area of Interest on a job. |
ManageAttachments | User can add/remove attachments on a job. |
ManageDataWorkspace | User can choose the data workspace for a job. |
ManageDependencies | User can add/remove/modify dependencies on a job. |
ManageExtendedProperties | User can modify extended properties on the job. |
ManageHolds | User can add/remove holds on a job. |
ManageLinkedProperties | User can modify (add/modify/delete) linked or related properties on the job. |
ManageQuery | User can manage (add/remove/modify) their own personal queries. |
ManageReplication | User can manage repository replication. User can execute Clear Job Replication, Import Job Data, Export Job Data, Replicate Job Data, and Synchronize Job Data geoprocessing tools without AdministratorAccess privilege. |
ManageVersion | User can modify the version that the job is pointing to and create the version using the UI. |
ManageWorkflow | User can modify the workflow when the job is created before committing the workflow for execution. |
OfflineJobOverride | User can bring online a job taken offline by another user. |
UpdateProperties | User can update properties on a job. |
It is not advised that you delete any of these privileges. If any are missing, the functionality it allows will be missing from the application. You are able to add more privileges to the system, but these privileges will only be enforced in custom extensions you create for Workflow Manager (Classic).
Complete these steps to manage privileges:
- Start ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator and connect to your Workflow Manager (Classic) database.
- Expand Security > Privileges.
If you imported the minimum or quick-start configuration, you will see privileges listed.
- Right-click a privilege and click Edit Item.
The Privilege Properties dialog box appears.
- Update the Description as necessary.
- Click the Groups tab.
- Add or remove groups from having the privilege.
- Click OK to save changes and close the Privilege Properties dialog box.