Qualify imported job queries table names

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The quick start configuration included with ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) contains a set of job queries that can be used to filter jobs. These queries do not fully qualify the table names by default. This means that the default queries may be invalid if you are connecting as a user other than the owner of the Workflow Manager (Classic) system tables. If this is the case, each of the tables and fields in the query needs to be referenced by its fully qualified name.

Qualify table names in job queries

To fully qualify the table names, you need to run an SQL script on your RDBMS. To do this, run the applicable query application (query analyzer, SQL plus), log in as the Workflow Manager (Classic) system tables owner, and run the following script:

update JTX_JOB_QUERIES set TABLES = replace(TABLES, 'jtx_', '<prefix>.jtx_');
update JTX_JOB_QUERIES set FIELDNAMES = replace(FIELDNAMES, 'jtx_', '<prefix>.jtx_');
update JTX_JOB_QUERIES set WHERECLAUSE = replace(WHERECLAUSE, 'jtx_', '<prefix>.jtx_');
update JTX_JOB_QUERIES set ORDER_BY = replace(ORDER_BY, 'jtx_', '<prefix>.jtx_');

Where <prefix> is what precedes each of the system tables in your workspace. For example, if a SQL Server workspace has a table such as sde.jtx.jtx_jobs then <prefix> would be replaced with sde.jtx