The Populate Map Sheet Info tool populates text in graphic elements on an ArcGIS Pro layout. Text populates with feature attribute values from a selected area of interest (AOI) feature in the map. The tool searches each graphic element for tagged (<tag></tag>) text. The tool compares tagged text to values in the PopMapInfo table. Any matching values are replaced in the graphic element with an attribute value from the selected AOI feature.
Populating graphic text elements with attribute values
The Populate Map Sheet Info tool scans each graphic element for tagged (<tag></tag>) text on an ArcGIS Pro layout. The tool compares tagged text to the DM_Tag value listed in the following table. If it finds a match, it reads the attribute value from the corresponding Field_Name. It replaces the tagged text with the attribute value. If no match is found, the tool skips the text and continues processing.
Custom Field_Name and DM_Tag attributes can be added to the table to allow for use of new feature attributes and associated graphic elements. The PopMapInfo table is located in the MapIndex database stored in the ReferenceData folder located in the Defense Mapping product files folders.
Remarque :
ArcGIS Defense Mapping map templates often use graphic elements with bracketed ([ ]) text to indicate text that should be updated to meet the product specification. However, brackets are not required by the Populate Map Sheet Info tool.
Field name | DM_Tag |
Classification | dm001 |
Contour_Interval | dm002 |
Contour_Interval_Supp | dm003 |
Coord_Conv_Datum | dm004 |
Coord_Conv_Geog_Lat | dm005 |
Coord_Conv_Geog_Long | dm006 |
Coord_Conv_Grid_East | dm007 |
Coord_Conv_Grid_North | dm008 |
Country | dm009 |
Edition | dm010 |
Edition_Barcode | dm011 |
JOG_Sheet | dm012 |
NRN | dm013 |
NSN | dm014 |
OneSecLatMeters_East | dm015 |
OneSecLatMeters_West | dm016 |
OneSecLongMeters_North | dm017 |
OneSecLongMeters_South | dm018 |
Printed_By | dm019 |
SERIES | dm020 |
Sheet | dm021 |
Sheet_Name | dm022 |
Sheet_Roman | dm023 |
UTM_Zone | dm024 |
Year_Copyright | dm025 |
Year_Map_Info | dm026 |
AirInfo_Date | dm027 |
Contour_Interval_Depth | dm028 |
ICM_Sheet | dm029 |
ICM_North | dm030 |
ICM_North_Scale | dm031 |
Image_Date | dm032 |
Image_Date_Inset1 | dm033 |
Image_Date_Inset2 | dm034 |
MagVar_Rate | dm035 |
Scale | dm036 |
Year_Intl_Bnd | dm037 |
Year_MagVar | dm038 |
ISFAR | dm039 |
PlaceName1 | dm040 |
PlaceName2 | dm041 |
PlaceName3 | dm042 |
PlaceName4 | dm043 |
PlaceName5 | dm044 |
Railroad_Gauge | dm045 |
UTM_Zone2 | dm046 |
VO_AboveGroundLevel_1 | dm047 |
VO_AboveGroundLevel_2 | dm048 |
VO_AboveSeaLevel_1 | dm049 |
VO_AboveSeaLevel_2 | dm050 |
Year_LimitedUpdates | dm051 |
Year_Veg_Info | dm052 |