Provides access to ArcGIS Pro project methods and properties. A reference to this object is essential for most map automation workflows.
The ArcGISProject object provides access to many of the project properties and methods found in the ArcGIS Pro application. The ArcGISProject object is usually one of the first object references created in a map automation script because it is the main entry point for access to almost all other ArcGIS project objects.
Once you have a reference to the ArcGISProject object, you can get access to maps using the listMaps method or access to layouts using the listLayouts method. When you have a reference to a Map object, you can get to Layer or Table objects, or once you have access to a Layout object, you can get to layout elements such as GraphicElement, LegendElement, MapFrame, MapSurroundElement, pictureElement, and TextElement. From these objects, you can gain access to other objects in the project. The ArcGISProject object is also useful for managing project settings such as defaultGeodatabase and defaultToolbox.
The importDocument method allows you to import map (.mxd), globe (.3dd), and scene (.sxd) documents into a project. This provides a mechanism for automating the conversion of these document types into the ArcGIS Pro project. The importDocument method also allows you to import map files (.mapx), layout files (.pagx), or report files (.rptx) into an existing project.
The activeMap property will return the map associated with either an active map view or the active map frame on an active layout view. The activeView property will either return a MapView object if a map view is active or it will return a Layout object if a layout view is active. Both of these properties are intended for scripts to be executed in the application, such as scripts run in the Python pane or those associated with a script tool. If no views are active, both properties will return None. These properties will always return a None value when a script is run outside of the application, because views are only relevant when the application is open. The MapView returned from the activeView property is the only way to change the extent associated with a map view. There are multiple functions available on the MapView class that allow you to change the extent, such as, the camera property, panToExtent, ZoomToAllLayers, and ZoomToBookmarks.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
activeMap (Lecture seule) | Returns the map object associated with the focused view within the application. If a layout view is active, it will return the map associated with the active map frame. Remarque :This property is designed to be executed from within the application using a script tool or the Python window. If a script is run outside of the application, None will always be returned. | Map |
activeView (Lecture seule) | Returns a MapView or a Layout, depending on the current view. If the ArcGIS Pro project has no open views, or if the active view is something other than a map view or layout view (for example, a chart, table, Model Builder view, and so on), None will be returned. Remarque :This property is designed to be executed from within the application using a script tool or the Python window. If a script is run outside of the application, None will always be returned. | Object |
dateSaved (Lecture seule) | Returns a Python datetime object that reports the project's last saved date. | DateTime |
defaultGeodatabase (Lecture et écriture) | The project's default geodatabase location. The string must include the geodatabase's full path and file name. | String |
defaultToolbox (Lecture et écriture) | The project's default toolbox location. The string must include the toolbox's full path and file name. | String |
documentVersion (Lecture seule) | Returns the version of the document based on when it was last saved. Executing save or saveACopy will update the document version to match the application version. | String |
filePath (Lecture seule) | Returns a string value that reports the fully qualified project path and file name. | String |
homeFolder (Lecture et écriture) | The project's home folder location. The string must include the full path to the desired location. | String |
metadata (Lecture et écriture) | Get or set the project's Metadata class information. Note: setting metadata is dependent on the isReadOnly property value. | Metadata |
Vue d’ensemble des méthodes
Méthode | Explication |
importDocument (document_path, {include_layout}, {reuse_existing_maps}) | Imports map (.mxd), globe (.3dd), and scene (.sxd) documents into an ArcGIS Pro project. It also imports the contents of map files (.mapx), layout files (.pagx), and report files (.rptx). |
listBrokenDataSources () | Returns a Python list of Layer and/or Table objects that have broken connections to their original source data for all maps in a project. |
listColorRamps ({wildcard}) | The listColorRamps method references color ramps available in a project. |
listLayouts ({wildcard}) | Returns a Python list of Layout objects in an ArcGIS project (.aprx). |
listMaps ({wildcard}) | Returns a Python list of Map objects in an ArcGIS project (.aprx). |
listReports ({wildcard}) | Returns a Python list of Report objects in an ArcGIS project (.aprx). |
save () |
Saves changes to an ArcGISProject (.aprx). |
saveACopy (file_name) |
Saves an ArcGISProject (.aprx) to a new file path or name. |
updateConnectionProperties (current_connection_info, new_connection_info, {auto_update_joins_and_relates}, {validate}, {ignore_case}) | Replaces connection properties using a dictionary or a path to a workspace. |
importDocument (document_path, {include_layout}, {reuse_existing_maps})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
document_path | A string that includes the system path and name of a (.mxd, .3dd, or .sxd) document or a map file (.mapx), layout file ( .pagx), or report file (.rptx). | String |
include_layout | A Boolean parameter indicating whether the layout from a map document (.mxd) is imported. If set to True, the layout and all data frames are imported. If set to False, only the data frames are imported. This parameter is ignored for other file types. (La valeur par défaut est True) | Boolean |
reuse_existing_maps | By default, importing a layout file (.pagx) copies all the maps referenced by the layout. If the maps already exist in the project, you can set reuse_existing_maps to True, which checks the project for the maps referenced in the layout file, and only copies maps that don't exist in the project. This avoids duplicating maps within the project. This parameter is ignored for other file types. (La valeur par défaut est False) | Boolean |
This method imports one document at a time. To import multiple documents, execute the method once for each document. A map document (.mxd) always has a layout. While migrating map documents, you may not always want to import the layout. If that is the case, set include_layout=False.
listBrokenDataSources ()
Type de données | Explication |
List |
The listBrokenDataSources method always returns a Python list object even if only one broken layer or table is returned.
listColorRamps ({wildcard})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
wildcard | A wildcard is based on the color ramp name as it appears in the application. A combination of asterisks (*) and characters can be used to help limit the resulting list. (La valeur par défaut est None) | String |
Type de données | Explication |
List | Returns a list of ColorRamp objects. |
It is possible to have multiple color ramps in a project with the same name. It is important that you author your project with color ramp names that can be easily searched using a unique name. An index number can be used to return a specific color ramp. For example, the following line will return the first color ramp object in the list: cr = aprx.listColorRamps("Black*")[0].
listLayouts ({wildcard})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
wildcard | A wildcard is based on the layout name and is not case sensitive. A combination of asterisks (*) and characters can be used to help limit the resulting list. (La valeur par défaut est None) | String |
Type de données | Explication |
List | A Python list of Layout objects in an ArcGIS project. |
Returns a Python list of Layout objects in an ArcGIS project (.aprx).
listMaps ({wildcard})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
wildcard | A wildcard is based on the map name and is not case sensitive. A combination of asterisks (*) and characters can be used to help limit the resulting list. (La valeur par défaut est None) | String |
Type de données | Explication |
List | A Python list of Map objects in an ArcGIS project. |
Returns a Python list of Map objects in an ArcGIS project (.aprx).
listReports ({wildcard})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
wildcard | A wildcard is based on the report name and is not case sensitive. A combination of asterisks (*) and characters can be used to help limit the resulting list. (La valeur par défaut est None) | String |
Type de données | Explication |
List | A Python list of Report objects in an ArcGIS project. |
Returns a Python list of Report objects in an ArcGIS project (.aprx).
save ()
Saves changes to an ArcGISProject (.aprx). The project is saved and the project variable continues to reference the original ArcGISProjectobject.
saveACopy (file_name)
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
file_name | A string used to save an ArcGISProject (.aprx) to a new file path or file name. | String |
The method creates a new output project file, but the project variable continues to reference the original ArcGISProject object. It does not duplicate all the content within a project folder.
updateConnectionProperties (current_connection_info, new_connection_info, {auto_update_joins_and_relates}, {validate}, {ignore_case})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
current_connection_info | A string that represents the workspace path or a Python dictionary that contains connection properties to the source you want to update. | String |
new_connection_info | A string that represents the workspace path or a Python dictionary that contains connection properties with the new source information. | String |
auto_update_joins_and_relates | If set to True, the updateConnectionProperties method will also update the connections for associated joins or relates. (La valeur par défaut est True) | Boolean |
validate | If set to True, the connection properties will only be updated if the new_connection_info value is a valid connection. If it is not valid, the connection will not be replaced. If set to False, the method will set all connections to match the new_connection_info, regardless of a valid match. In this case, if a match does not exist, then the data sources would be broken. (La valeur par défaut est True) | Boolean |
ignore_case | Determines whether searches will be case sensitive or not. By default, queries are case sensitive. To perform case-insensitive queries, set ignore_case to True. (La valeur par défaut est False) | Boolean |
For more detailed discussion, parameter information, scenarios, and code samples, refer to the Updating and fixing data sources help topic.
Exemple de code
The following script demonstrates how to import documents into an existing ArcGIS Pro project. It also sets up some of the default project settings and saves the result to a new file.
import arcpy
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(r"C:\Projects\blank.aprx")
aprx.defaultGeodatabase = r"C:\Projects\YosemiteNP\Data_Vector\YosemiteData.gdb"
aprx.defaultToolbox = r"C:\Projects\YosemiteNP\Analysis\AnalysisTools.tbx"
The following script uses the keyword current, so it should be run from the Python window. The script prints the name of each map in a project and its layers, as well as the name of each layout and its page size.
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject("CURRENT")
for m in aprx.listMaps():
print("Map: " + m.name)
for lyr in m.listLayers():
print(" " + lyr.name)
for lyt in aprx.listLayouts():
print(f" {lyt.name} ({lyt.pageHeight} x {lyt.pageWidth} {lyt.pageUnits})")