Disponible avec une licence Maritime Charting.
If you do not have existing S-57 data, you can create the foundation for new products by capturing a new product coverage (polygon product extent), and its required product definition information (product metadata).
Remarque :
You can also create S-57 products by importing an existing S-57 dataset if you already have one.
The following steps describe the process for defining the product coverage and product definitions for a new S-57 product:
- Start ArcGIS Pro.
- Open a new or an existing project.
- If necessary, create an ArcGIS Maritime database schema and add data to the Contents pane.
- If necessary, add the ProductCoverage polygon feature class and the EditingProperties and ProductDefinitions tables to the Contents pane.
- On the Maritime tab, in the S-57 Editing group, click the Compilation Scale drop-down arrow.
This value represents the scale at which your chart is created. You can choose a value from the list, or type a custom value. This ensures that all features that are created are attributed with the correct scale.
- In the Contents pane, right-click the Editing Properties table and click Open.
- Find the Agency attribute.
- Double-click the row to access the drop-down list and choose an agency.
The list of available agencies is generated from the IHO S-62 list of data producer codes document. The FIDS value can also be customized and is also used in generating a unique LNAM. A new FIDS is assigned to each record in the table by default.
- On the Edit tab, click the Create Features button
- In the Create Features pane, locate ProductCoverage.
- Choose one of the insert methods and digitize a polygon.
- With the polygon selected, click the Maritime tab and click the Attributes button
The Attributes pane appears.
Remarque :
The following error message also appears: ProductCoverage feature (subtype: ProductCoverage) must participate in one composite relationship as a child. No action is required.
- Type a value for the Dataset Name.
The file name can be up to eight characters and can be composed of the uppercase alphanumeric characters A to Z, and digits zero through nine. Typically, the first three characters are a combination of the agency code followed by the intended usage and so on. If your agency is 4E - Environmental Systems Research Institute, and the intended usage is 5 - Harbour, the file dataset name and example would be 4E5XXXXX where X represents additional available characters for you to define.
- Press Tab or Enter.
- Cliquez sur Appliquer.
- In the Contents pane, right-click the ProductDefinitions table and click Open.
- In the table, select Click to add new row.
- Press Tab to go through each field and choose a metadata value for each of the following mandatory attributes:
The following table contains sample values.
Compilation Scale
Dataset Name
(Intended usage) INTU
4E - Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
Vertical Datum
Mean high water springs
Sounding Datum
Lowest astronomical tide
Where clause
- Select the record from the ProductDefinitions table and the polygon from the ProductCoverage feature class.
Both features must be selected to create the relationship.
- Open the Attributes pane.
- Expand the ProductCoverage node, and right-click ProductDefinitions.
- Click Add Selected to Relationship.
- Click Save if you don't have Auto Save enabled.
You have created the metadata and the coverage area for a new product, and can now begin creating data to generate an electronic chart product.