Disponible avec une licence Production Mapping.
Disponible avec une licence Defense Mapping.
The Populate Angle tool allows you to calculate the angle values for a selection of features.
- Add layers to your map, if they don't already exist, by dragging feature data from the Catalog pane onto the map.
A feature template for the new layer is automatically generated with default settings.
Conseil :
If the feature data does not exist, right-click the target geodatabase in the Catalog pane and create a new feature class.
- On the Edit tab, in the Features group, click Modify
The Modify Features pane appears.
- Select features in the map.
- In the Modify Features pane, expand the Topographic category and click Populate Angle
The Populate Angle tool opens in the pane.
- In the Modify Features pane, on the Populate Angle page, click Populate.
- Click once in the active map to create a starting point for the angle, then drag the mouse pointer and click a second point to define the direction of the angle.
The tool automatically pans and zooms to the next feature.
- Repeat step 6 to update angles for each of the remaining features.
When you have updated angles for all of the selected features, a message box appears and tells you how many angles have been updated.
- Cliquez sur OK.