Reverse routes

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During the lifespan of a roadway, the direction of calibration of a route may need to be reversed, as a result of calibration in the wrong direction or in preparation for a realignment that requires route calibration to be reversed.

When this occurs, you can reverse the route direction using the Reverse Route tool, after which you can reapply event behaviors to the reversed route.

Reverse route is an editing activity that allows you to reverse the direction of calibration on a route or routes in an LRS Network. The Reverse Route tool updates calibration points located along the reversed route as well as reversing the route direction.

Route reversal scenarios

The following sections provide examples of reversal on routes:

Reverse a route with intermediate calibration points at equidistance

In the following example, the route (Route1) has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 10 with intermediate calibration points at 2.5, 5, and 7.5:

Route with intermediate calibration points before reversal

After reversing the route, start and end measures are reversed, and intermediate calibration measures are updated, but the location of calibration points is unchanged.

Route with intermediate calibration points after reversal

Reverse a route with disproportionate intermediate calibration points

In the following example, the route (Route1) has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 10 with a disproportionate intermediate calibration point (8):

Route with an intermediate calibration point before reversal

Start and end measures are reversed, and the intermediate calibration measure is updated from 8 to 2, but the location of the calibration point is unchanged.

Route with an intermediate calibration point after reversal

Reverse routes on a line in a line network

Before reversal, Route1 has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 10, while Route2 has start and end measures of 15 and 25, and Route3 has start and end measures of 30 and 40. The line order for the routes from left to right is 100, 200, and 300.

In the following example, three routes that are present on a line (LineA) in a line network are reversed:

Routes with start and end calibration points on a line in a line network before reversal

After the reversal, start and end measures are updated, but the location of the calibration points remains unchanged.

Routes with start and end calibration points on a line in a line network after reversal

After reversal, each of the routes has the same start and end measures but in the opposite direction. The line order remains the same before and after route reversal.

Use the following steps for reversing routes:

  1. Ajoutez la classe d’entités de réseau sur la carte.

    Vous pouvez également ouvrir une carte dans laquelle la classe d’entités de réseau est déjà présente.

    Remarque :

    Généralement, les réseaux versionnés doivent être mis à jour par l'intermédiaire d'une connexion directe à la géodatabase. Les réseaux de branche versionnée qui incluent ceux configurés avec un ID d’itinéraire généré par l’utilisateur, doivent être mis à jour par l’intermédiaire d’un service d’entités.

  2. Zoom in to the location of the route you want to reverse.
  3. On the Location Referencing tab, in the Routes group, click Reverse Inverser l’itinéraire.
    Reverse button

    The Reverse Route pane appears.

  4. Choose the network in which the route reversal will take place.
    • If the network you chose is a nonline network, the Route Name field appears in the pane.
    • If the network you chose is a line network, the From Route Name and To Route Name fields appear in the pane.
    Remarque :

    Pour mettre à jour via les services d’entités, il est nécessaire de publier le réseau LRS en activant les fonctionnalités de référencement linéaire et de gestion des versions.

  5. Provide an effective date for the route reversal by doing one of the following actions:
    • Double-click in the Effective Date text box to populate the field with today's date.
    • Optionally, type the date in the Effective Date text box.
    • Choose the date using the Calendar button Calendrier.
    • Double-click the empty Effective Date text box to use today's date.
  6. Click the Choose route from map button Choisir un itinéraire dans la carte then click the route on the map to populate the route name in the Route Name section, or if the network you chose in step 4 was a line network, click the Choose route from map button Choisir un itinéraire dans la carte then click the route on the map to populate the from route name in the From Route Name section.
  7. If the network is a line network, click the Choose route from map button Choisir un itinéraire dans la carte to choose the to route name in the To Route Name section.

    If the From Route Name and To Route Name in a line network are not the same, the routes spanned by the map selection are reversed.

  8. Click Run.

    The selected routes are reversed.

Dans cette rubrique
  1. Route reversal scenarios