Set Task Group Dependencies (Topographic Production)

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Creates dependencies between a job and other existing Task Group jobs based on the criteria defined in the extended properties.


  • This tool is intended for use with the Topographic Mapping production management workflows and will not support an improperly configured Workflow Manager (Classic) repository.

  • The TASK_GROUP_RELATIONSHIPS table is used to determine which types of task group jobs this job is dependent on and the spatial relationship between the job AOIs.

  • If the Job ID value is a Task job rather than a Task Group job, the dependencies created by this tool will be determined by the properties of the parent Task Group job.


ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Job ID

The job ID of the Workflow Manager (Classic) job that will have dependencies set.

Input Database Path

The Workflow Manager (Classic) database connection file that contains the job information. If no connection file is specified, the current default Workflow Manager (Classic) database will be used.


Sortie obtenue

ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Output Job IDs

A list of the job IDs that this job is dependent on.



Cet outil n’utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Nécessite Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
  • Advanced: Nécessite Production Mapping and Workflow Manager

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