The Describe function returns the following properties for CAD drawing datasets. The Dataset property group is also supported.
For a CAD drawing dataset, the Describe dataType property returns a value of "CadDrawingDataset".
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
activeWorldFilePath (Lecture seule) | Path to WLD3 file being used to adjust the spatial coordinates of features in the file. | String |
angleUnitType (Lecture seule) | The units of angular measures reported in the file: Decimal Degrees, DMS, Grads, Radians, or Surveyor's Unit. | String |
author (Lecture seule) | CAD user-entered file author's name. | String |
cadLayers (Lecture seule) | A string list of CAD layers in the file. | String |
civilCSDescription (Lecture seule) | The coordinate system description from Civil 3D in the file. | String |
civilCSName (Lecture seule) | The coordinate system name from Civil 3D in the file. | String |
client (Lecture seule) | CAD user-entered name of the client for whom the file was created. | String |
comments (Lecture seule) | CAD user-entered comment within file. | String |
company (Lecture seule) | CAD user-entered company name for the file. | String |
externalSources (Lecture seule) | A list of files referenced within this file as a JSON array of a JSON object. | String |
is2D (Lecture seule) | Indicates whether a CAD dataset is 2D. | Boolean |
is3D (Lecture seule) | Indicates whether a CAD dataset is 3D. | Boolean |
isAutoCAD (Lecture seule) | Indicates whether a CAD dataset is an AutoCAD file. | Boolean |
isCivil3D (Lecture seule) | Indicates whether a CAD dataset is an AutoCAD Civil 3D file. | Boolean |
isDGN (Lecture seule) | Indicates whether a CAD dataset is a MicroStation file. | Boolean |
keywords (Lecture seule) | CAD user-entered keywords that can be used as search criteria for the file. | String |
lastSavedBy (Lecture seule) | CAD user-entered name of the last person who last saved the file. | String |
lengthUnitType (Lecture seule) | The units of linear measures used in the file: Decimal, Architectural, Engineering, Fractional, or Scientific. | String |
manager (Lecture seule) | CAD user-entered name of the manager responsible for the file. | String |
subject (Lecture seule) | CAD user-entered subject of the content of the file. | String |
title (Lecture seule) | CAD user-entered document title of the file. | String |
version (Lecture seule) | CAD authoring application file version. | String |
Exemple de code
The following stand-alone script displays properties for a CAD drawing dataset:
import arcpy
# Create a describe object
desc = arcpy.Describe("C:/data/arch.dgn")
# Print Cad Drawing Dataset properties
print("%-12s %s" % ("is2D:", desc.is2D))
print("%-12s %s" % ("is3D:", desc.is3D))
print("%-12s %s" % ("isAutoCAD:", desc.isAutoCAD))
print("%-12s %s" % ("isDGN:", desc.isDGN))