Field group properties

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The Describe function returns the properties described below for datasets that have field groups added to them.

Field groups can be added to a geodatabase feature class or table. The dataType returned is the dataType of the feature class or table.

Field groups are required when adding contingent values to a dataset.


PropriétéExplicationType de données
(Lecture seule)

A list of the field names that participate in the field group.

(Lecture seule)

Indicates whether the field group has a restrictive editing experience.

  • True—The field group is restrictive.
  • False—The field group is not restrictive.

(Lecture seule)

The name of the field group.


Exemple de code

Field group properties example

The following stand-alone Python script prints a report of the field group properties for a feature class:

# Import the required modules
import arcpy

# Path to the input feature class or table
fc = "C:\\MyProject\\MyDatabase.sde\\myGDB.USER1.MapleTrees"

# Print a report of the field group properties
fieldGroups = arcpy.Describe(fc).fieldGroups
for fg in fieldGroups:
    print("Field Group Name: {}\nFields: {}\nRestrictive: {}\n".format(, fg.fieldNames, fg.isEditingRestrictive))