The properties below are returned by the junctionSources object when using Describe on a utility network.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
assetGroups (Lecture seule) | The assetGroups object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the junction source asset groups. | Object |
assetTypeFieldName (Lecture seule) | The asset type field name for the junction source. | String |
objectClassID (Lecture seule) | The object class ID for the junction source. | Integer |
shapeType (Lecture seule) | The shape type of the junction source. | String |
sourceID (Lecture seule) | The source ID for the junction source. | Integer |
sourceName (Lecture seule) | The name of the junction source. | String |
supportedProperties (Lecture seule) | The supported properties of the junction source. | String |
usesGeometry (Lecture seule) | Whether the junction source uses geometry or not. | Boolean |
utilityNetworkFeatureClassUsageType (Lecture seule) | The feature class usage type for the junction source. | String |
Exemple de code
This stand-alone Python script is a report of the junctionSources properties.
Description: This script reports the junction source properties of a utility network
Created by: Esri
# Import required modules
import arcpy
# Describe functions on a Utility Network
UN = "C:\\Projects\\MyProject\\unowner.sde\\Naperville.UNOWNER.Naperville\\Naperville.UNOWNER.Naperville"
d = arcpy.Describe(UN)
# Domain Network properties
domnets = d.domainNetworks
for dom in domnets:
print("*** - Domain Network properties - ***")
print(f"Domain Network Creation Time: {dom.creationTime}")
print(f"Domain Network Release Number: {dom.releaseNumber}")
print(f"Domain Network is Structure Network: {dom.isStructureNetwork}")
print(f"Domain Network ID: {dom.domainNetworkId}")
print(f"Domain Network Name: {dom.domainNetworkName}")
print(f"Domain Network Alias Name: {dom.domainNetworkAliasName}")
print(f"Domain Network Subnetwork Table Name: {dom.subnetworkTableName}")
print(f"Domain Network Subnetwork Label Field Name: {dom.subnetworkLabelFieldName}")
print(f"Domain Network Tier Definition: {dom.tierDefinition}")
print(f"Domain Network Subnetwork Controller Type: {dom.subnetworkControllerType} \n")
# Junction Source Properties
for jSource in dom.junctionSources:
print(" -- Junction Source Properties -- ")
print(f"Edge Source Id: {jSource.sourceId}")
print(f"Object Class ID: {jSource.objectClassId}")
print(f"Edge Source Name: {jSource.sourceName}")
print(f"Uses Geometry: {jSource.usesGeometry}")
print(f"Shape Type: {jSource.shapeType} \n")
print(f"Feature Class Usage: {jSource.utilityNetworkFeatureClassUsageType}")
print(f"Asset Type Field Name: {jSource.assetTypeFieldName}")
print(f"Supported Properties: {jSource.supportedProperties} \n")
# Asset Group Properties
for ag in jSource.assetGroups:
print(" - Asset Group Properties - ")
print(f"Asset Group Code: {ag.assetGroupCode}")
print(f"Asset Group Name: {ag.assetGroupName} \n")
# Asset Type Properties
for at in ag.assetTypes:
print(" - Asset Type Properties - ")
print("Asset Type Code: {0}".format(at.assetTypeCode))
print("Asset Type Name: {0}".format(at.assetTypeName))
print("Asset Type Containment View Scale: {0}".format(at.containmentViewScale))
print("Asset Type Association Delete Type: {0}".format(at.associationDeleteType))
print("Asset Type Association Role Type: {0}".format(at.associationRoleType))
print("Asset Type Terminal Configuration Supported: {0}".format(at.isTerminalConfigurationSupported))
print("Asset Type Terminal Configuration ID: {0}".format(at.terminalConfigurationID))
print("Asset Type Linear Connectivity Policy Supported: {0}".format(at.isLinearConnectivityPolicySupported))
print("Asset Type Connectivity Policy: {0}".format(at.connectivityPolicy))
print("Asset Type Categories: {0}".format(at.categories))
print("Asset Type Split Content: {0} \n".format(at.splitContent))