The properties below are returned by the manageSubnetwork object when using Describe on a utility network.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
isDirty (Lecture seule) | Describes whether the Is dirty attribute in the Subnetworks table and SubnetLine class is managed by the update subnetwork operation.
This property requires a Utility Network Version value of 5 or later. | Boolean |
Exemple de code
Retrieve the status of the isDirty property for tiers in the utility network.
# Import required modules
import arcpy
# Describe functions on a Utility Network
UN = "C:\\Projects\\MyProject\\unowner.sde\\Naperville.UNOWNER.Naperville\\Naperville.UNOWNER.Naperville"
d = arcpy.Describe(UN)
# Domain Network properties
domnets = d.domainNetworks
# For each domain network in the utility network
for dom in domnets:
# For each tier in the domain network
for tier in dom.tiers:
# Print the tier name
print(f"Tier Name: {}")
# Print the ManageSubnetwork properties
print(f"Manage IsDirty: {tier.ManageSubnetwork.isDirty}\n")