The following properties are supported by the networkAttributes object in a utility network.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
assignments (Lecture seule) | The assignments object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the network attribute assignments. | Object |
bitPosition (Lecture seule) | The bit position value of the network attribute. | Integer |
bitSize (Lecture seule) | The bit size value of the network attribute. | Integer |
creationTime (Lecture seule) | The creation date and time for the network attribute. | DateTime |
dataType (Lecture seule) | The data type of the network attribute—for example, integer or double. | String |
edgeWeightID (Lecture seule) | The edge weight ID value of the network attribute. | Integer |
fieldType (Lecture seule) | The data type of the of the network attribute field—for example, short or long integer, double, or date. | String |
isApportionable (Lecture seule) | A Boolean value describing whether the network attribute is apportionable.
| Boolean |
ID (Lecture seule) | The ID of the network attribute. | Integer |
isEmbedded (Lecture seule) | A Boolean value describing whether the network attribute is embedded.
| Boolean |
isNullable (Lecture seule) | A Boolean value describing whether the network attribute is nullable (allows null values).
| Boolean |
isOverridable (Lecture seule) | A Boolean value describing whether the network attribute can be overridden.
| Boolean |
isSubstitution (Lecture seule) | A Boolean value describing whether the network attribute is for substitution.
| Boolean |
junctionWeightID (Lecture seule) | The junction weight ID value of the network attribute. | Integer |
name (Lecture seule) | The name of the network attribute. | String |
networkAttributeToSubstitute (Lecture seule) | The value used for attribute substitution. Learn more about advanced network attributes and attribute substitution. | String |
usageType (Lecture seule) | The usage type of the network attribute—for example, terminal ID, source ID, and asset group. | String |
Exemple de code
This stand-alone Python script prints a report of some utility network properties.
Description: This script reports the properties of a utility network
Created by: Esri
# Import required modules
import arcpy
# Describe function on a Utility Network
UN = "C:\\MyProject\\databaseConn.sde\\mygdb.USER1.Naperville\\mygdb.USER1.ElectricNetwork"
d = arcpy.Describe(UN)
# Network Attribute properties
netattrs = d.networkAttributes
for na in netattrs:
print("*** - Network Attribute properties - ***")
print(f"ID: {na.Id}")
print(f"Name: {}")
print(f"Network Attribute To Substitute: {na.networkAttributeToSubstitute}")
print(f"Data Type: {na.dataType}")
print(f"Field Type: {na.fieldType}")
print(f"Usage Type: {na.usageType}")
print(f"isEmbedded: {na.isEmbedded}")
print(f"isApportionable: {na.isApportionable}")
print(f"isOverridable: {na.isOverridable}")
print(f"isSubstitution: {na.isSubstitution}")
print(f"Domain name: {na.domainName}")
print(f"bitPosition: {na.bitPosition}")
print(f"bitSize: {na.bitSize}")
print(f"Junction Weight ID: {na.junctionWeightId}")
print(f"Edge Weight ID: {na.edgeWeightId} \n")
# For each attribute assignment in the attribute assignments object:
unas = na.assignments
for una in unas:
print(" -- Attribute Assignment Properties -- ")
print(f"Utility Network Assignment Attribute ID: {una.networkAttributeId}")
print(f"Utility Network Assignment Attribute Source Name: {una.networkSourceName} \n")
# For each field evaluator in the attribute evaluator object:
print(" - Field Evaluator Properties - ")
fe = una.evaluator
print(f"Field Evaluator Type: {fe.evaluatorType}")
print(f"Field Evaluator Name: {fe.fieldName} \n")
print(f"{} does not have any attribute assignments \n")