The properties below are returned by the propagators object when using Describe on a utility network.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
networkAttributeName (Lecture seule) | The name of the network attribute used to filter the propagators condition. | String |
networkAttributeOperator (Lecture seule) | The type of operator used for the propagation—for example, is equal to or is less than. | String |
substitutionAttributeName (Lecture seule) | The network attribute used for substitution. | String |
tracePropagatorFunctionType (Lecture seule) | The type of function used for the function barrier—for example, propagated bitwise and, propagated min, or propagated max. | String |
value (Lecture seule) | The specific value of the network attribute or category used for the propagation. | Integer |
Exemple de code
This stand-alone Python script prints a report of some utility network properties.
# Import required modules
import arcpy
# Describe functions on a Utility Network
UN = "C:\\Projects\\MyProject\\unowner.sde\\Naperville.UNOWNER.Naperville\\Naperville.UNOWNER.Naperville"
d = arcpy.Describe(UN)
# Domain Network properties
domnets = d.domainNetworks
# For each domain network in the utility network
for dom in domnets:
print(f"Domain Network Name: {dom.domainNetworkName}")
# For each tier in the domain network
for tier in dom.tiers:
print(f"Tier Name: {}")
# Update Subnetwork Trace Configuration Properties
ust = tier.updateSubnetworkTraceConfiguration
# Propagators Properties
print(" - Propagator Properties - ")
for p in ust.propagators:
# Try to get these properties if the exist, else, print the empty list
print(f"Network Attribute Name: {p.networkAttributeName}")
print(f"Trace Propagator Function Type: {p.tracePropagatorFunctionType}")
print(f"Network Attribute Filter Operator: {p.networkAttributeOperator}")
print(f"Network Attribute Value: {p.value}")
print(f"Propagated Attribute Name: {p.propagatedAttributeName}")
print(f"Substitution Attribute Name: {p.substitutionAttributeName}")
print("Skipped propagator properties. \n")