The Describe function returns the following properties for the relationship class rules of a RelationshipClass data type.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
destinationClassID (Lecture seule) | The object class ID of the destination class. | Integer |
destinationMaximumCardinality (Lecture seule) | The maximum cardinality of the destination class. | Integer |
destinationMinimumCardinality (Lecture seule) | The minimum cardinality of the destination class. | Integer |
destinationSubtypeCode (Lecture seule) | The subtype code of the destination class. | Integer |
originClassID (Lecture seule) | The object class ID of the origin class. | Integer |
originMaximumCardinality (Lecture seule) | The maximum cardinality of the origin class. | Integer |
originMinimumCardinality (Lecture seule) | The minimum cardinality of the origin class. | Integer |
originSubtypeCode (Lecture seule) | The subtype code of the origin class. | Integer |
ruleID (Lecture seule) | The relationship rule ID. | Integer |
Exemple de code
Display the properties of the relationship rules.
import arcpy
desc = arcpy.Describe(r'D:\Riverside.gdb\Electric\PolesToTransformers')
for rule in desc.relationshipRules:
print("Rule id: {}".format(rule.ruleID))
print("Destination Class ID: {}".format(rule.destinationClassID))
print("Destination Subtype Code: {}".format(rule.destinationSubtypeCode))
print("Origin Class ID: {}".format(rule.originClassID))
print("Origin Subtype Code: {}".format(rule.originSubtypeCode))
print("Destination Min Cardinality: {}".format(rule.destinationMinimumCardinality))
print("Destination Max Cardinality: {}".format(rule.destinationMaximumCardinality))
print("Origin Min Cardinality: {}".format(rule.originMinimumCardinality))
print("Origin Max Cardinality: {}".format(rule.originMaximumCardinality))