The Network Dataset Shields object provides information about the directions shields settings for a given edge source.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
combinedFieldName (Lecture seule) | The field name whose values contain the whole address description. | String |
description (Lecture seule) | The Shields Description object. | Object |
descriptionCount (Lecture seule) | The number of shields. | Integer |
numberFieldName (Lecture seule) | The field name whose values contain the house number. | String |
typeFieldName (Lecture seule) | The field name whose values contain the street type. | String |
useCombinedField (Lecture seule) | Indicates whether the shield information is contained in a single field (True) or in two fields (False). | Boolean |
Exemple de code
Display the directions shields information for each edge source in the network dataset.
# Name:
# Description: Print information about directions shields for each edge source
import arcpy
import sys
# Set the workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/SanFrancisco.gdb/Transportation"
# Create Describe object for the network dataset
desc = arcpy.Describe("Streets_ND")
#If the directions are not set for the network dataset, exit
if not desc.supportsDirections:
print("No direction information")
print("Source Direction Information ----")
# Get all the edge sources
sources = desc.edgeSources
if not sources:
print("No edge sources")
#Loop through all the edge sources
for source in sources:
print("Name: " ,
print("Source ID: " , source.sourceID)
#Get the direction information specific to edge source
sDir = source.sourceDirections
#Get the shields for each source
shields = sDir.shields
if shields:
print("Shield type field: " , shields.typeFieldName)
print("Number field:" , shields.numberFieldName)
print("Combined field: " , shields.combinedFieldName)
print("Description count: " , shields.descriptionCount)
print("(No shield information)")