L'objet Replica contient des propriétés décrivant un réplica.
Replica les objets ne peuvent pas être créés directement. Les propriétés des réplicas sont accessibles via la fonction arcpy.da.ListReplicas.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
datasets (Lecture seule) | A list of the datasets that belong to the replica. | List |
hasConflicts (Lecture seule) | Indicates whether the replica is in conflict. | Boolean |
isParent (Lecture seule) | Indicates the replica role. Returns True if the replica is a parent and False if the replica is a child. | Boolean |
isSender (Lecture seule) | Indicates whether the replica is a data sender. Returns True if the replica is a data sender and False if the replica is a data receiver. | Boolean |
lastReceive (Lecture seule) | The last time the replica received changes. | DateTime |
lastSend (Lecture seule) | The last time the replica sent changes. | DateTime |
name (Lecture seule) | The name of the replica. | String |
owner (Lecture seule) | The owner of the replica in the geodatabase. | String |
replicaID (Lecture seule) | The replica ID. | String |
replicaServerGen (Lecture seule) | Indicates the last generation of changes that was successfully received from the relative replica. This property is only applicable for replicas that use the per-replica sync model. | Long |
replicaServerSibGen (Lecture seule) | Indicates the last generation of changes that was sent to the relative replica. This property is only applicable for replicas that use the per-replica sync model and for which the target type is server. | Long |
role (Lecture seule) | The replica role.
| String |
serviceName (Lecture seule) | The URL of the feature service associated with the replica. This is only applicable for replicas created from a feature service. | String |
targetType (Lecture seule) | The type of target for syncing the replica.
| String |
type (Lecture seule) | The replica type.
| String |
version (Lecture seule) | The version from which the replica was created (replica version). | String |