Converts a polygon, polyline, or point feature class to a raster object.
For more information about how this function works, see the Rasterize Features raster function.
The referenced raster dataset for the raster object is temporary. To make it permanent, you can call the raster object's save method.
RasterizeFeatures (raster, feature_class, {class_index_field}, {resolve_overlap_method})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
raster | The raster used to define the cell size and extent for the feature conversion. | Raster |
feature_class | The point, line, or polygon feature class to convert to a raster object. Supported options include the path to the feature class or a FeatureSet. | String |
class_index_field | The feature class field to assign values to pixels in the rasterized output. If no field is provided, pixel values will be assigned using the feature class's OBJECTID field. (La valeur par défaut est None) | String |
resolve_overlap_method | Specifies the method to assign pixel values in areas where features are overlapping.
(La valeur par défaut est FIRST) | String |
Type de données | Explication |
Raster | The raster object containing pixel values from the input features. |
Exemple de code
Converts polygon data containing carbon storage capacity to a raster object.
from arcpy.ia import *
rasterized_polygons = arcpy.ia.RasterizeFeatures("sample.tif",
"ParkPolygons", "CarbonQuantity", "SMALLEST")"C:/arcpyExamples/outputs/ParkRaster.tif")
Converts polygon data containing carbon storage capacity to a raster object.
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy.ia import *
# convert regional park features to raster with carbon quantity field
rasterized_polygons = arcpy.ia.RasterizeFeatures(sample_raster,
"C:/data/MyData.gdb/ParkPolygons", "CarbonQuantity", "SMALLEST")
# save the output"C:/arcpyExamples/outputs/ParkRaster.tif")