
Cette documentation ArcGIS 3.1 a été archivée et n’est plus mise à jour. Certains contenus et liens peuvent être obsolètes. Consultez la dernière version de la documentation.


The ExtendedProperty object provides access to properties of the extended property row associated with the job.


Extended properties store business-specific information as part of the job that is not covered by the default job properties. Extended properties have one-to-one (1-1) cardinality, and there is one set of properties associated with the job. To configure and use extended properties in your job types, you must create a new geodatabase table in the Workflow Manager (Classic) Repository. Then configure Workflow Manager (Classic) to recognize this table as an extension to the rest of the system tables.


PropriétéExplicationType de données
(Lecture seule)

The alias of the extended property or linked property table associated with the job.

(Lecture seule)

The cardinality of the extended property or linked property table associated with the job.

(Lecture seule)

The ID of the job with which the extended property or linked property table is associated.

(Lecture seule)

The name of the extended property or linked property table associated with the job.


Exemple de code

The following script gets an extended property table associated with the job and prints the name of the cells along with the value.

import arcpy

#Establish a connection to a Workflow database
conn = arcpy.wmx.Connect(r'c:\test\Workflow.jtc')

#Access a Workflow Job with extended properties
job = conn.getJob(99999)

#Get the extended properties table associated with the job
prop_table = job.getExtendedPropertyTable('wmx.extra_properties')

#Iterate over extended properties and print the cell name with values
for (name,value) in prop_table:
    print("Cell {0} = {1}" .format(name,value.data))