Add topology to a database

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Disponible avec une licence ArcGIS Maritime.

Working with geodatabase topology includes creating a topology for a dataset, assigning features and spatial rules, validating the features in a map, and using specific tools to fix errors and mark exceptions.

Complete the following steps to create a geodatabase topology for a dataset that contains the features participating in the topology:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand Topographic Production Tools.
  3. Click Data Management > Topology > Import Topology.
  4. Set the Input Feature Dataset parameter to the feature dataset where the topology will be created.
  5. Set the Input Topology Definition File parameter to the .xml file that contains the topology definition.
    Remarque :

    When the Maritime product files are installed, the ENC, IENC, and bIENC topology .xml files are located in the <installation_location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version>\S-57 folder.

  6. Click Run.

The topology is added to the feature dataset.