Manage long name (LNAM)

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Long name (LNAM) is a required object identifier that is a concatenation of the Producing Agency (AGEN), Feature Identification Number (FIDN), and Feature Identification Subdivision (FIDS) components.

These three subcomponents are used for every feature created in the database to uniquely identify each feature in an exported product.

Remarque :

The Username, Agency, and FIDS fields must be set before features can be created. An S-57 or S-100 geodatabase must also exist.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the View tab, open the Catalog and Contents panes.
  3. From the Catalog pane, expand the geodatabase and add the EditingProperties table to the Contents pane.
  4. Right-click the EditingProperties table.
  5. Cliquez sur Ouvrir.

    The EditingProperties table appears.

    Remarque :

    By default, the first row of the table contains a DEFAULT entry.

  6. Click the Agency drop-down arrow for the feature you want to edit and choose the agency name.

    EditingProperties table

    This field value cannot be null.

  7. Click the FIDS cell and type a numeric value or accept the default value.
    Conseil :

    Each username can have a unique FIDS value, but that field value cannot be null. The FIDS range of values must be between 1 and 65534.

  8. Press Tab, and press Enter to add more usernames by typing a username in the new row that appears.
    Conseil :

    Repeat this step to add more usernames.

  9. Click the Edit tab.
  10. Cliquez sur Enregistrer.