Validate S-57 File (Maritime)

Disponible avec une licence ArcGIS Maritime.


Validates an ENC, IENC, or bIENC file and generates an .S58 file and a shapefile as a result.


  • Multiple revision (ER) files, also known as updates, must be validated at the same time as the base file. Individual ER files cannot be validated at a later time.

  • A new edition (EN) base file can be validated.

  • A catalog file (.031) can be validated. When a catalog file is chosen for validation, only the S-58 checks pertaining to the Exchange Set value or data structure will be run.

  • By default, the tool will output a shapefile and an .s58 file in XML format that contain S-58 errors discovered during the validation process. If you do not need the shapefile, you can exclude it.

  • An ignore list text file can be used to disable specific S-58 checks.

  • A sample ignore list text file is available at <install location>\Resources\Maritime\S-58IgnoreList.txt.

    Remarque :

    Remove the number sign (#) from the beginning of the line for each check you want to ignore.


ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Input S-57 File

The base cell file (*.000).

Output Directory

The location where the validated S-57 log will be created.

Update Cells

The update cell files (*.001 - *.999).

Regional Rules

Specifies the region that will be used to set the Recommended Inland ENC Validation Checks for that region.

For IENC and bIENC cells, some validation rules don't apply in certain regions, or they check for different objects and attribution.

  • BrazilBrazilian validation rules will be applied.
  • EuropeEuropean validation rules will be applied.
  • Russian FederationRussian Federation validation rules will be applied.
  • United StatesUnited States validation rules will be applied.
Ignore List

A text file containing a list of checks to ignore in the output log file.

Exclude Shapefile

Specifies whether a shapefile will be generated.

  • Checked—A shapefile will not be generated. Only the .s58 file will be created.
  • Unchecked—A shapefile will be generated, along with the .s58 file. This is the default.


Sortie obtenue

ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Output S-58 Log File

The .S58 file in XML format that contains the errors and warnings from the validation.


arcpy.maritime.ValidateS57File(in_s57_file, out_directory, {in_update_cells}, {regional_rules}, {in_ignore_list}, {exclude_shapefile})
NomExplicationType de données

The base cell file (*.000).


The location where the validated S-57 log will be created.


The update cell files (*.001 - *.999).


Specifies the region that will be used to set the Recommended Inland ENC Validation Checks for that region.

For IENC and bIENC cells, some validation rules don't apply in certain regions, or they check for different objects and attribution.

  • BRBrazilian validation rules will be applied.
  • EUEuropean validation rules will be applied.
  • RURussian Federation validation rules will be applied.
  • USUnited States validation rules will be applied.

A text file containing a list of checks to ignore in the output log file.


Specifies whether a shapefile will be generated.

  • EXCLUDE_SHAPEFILEA shapefile will not be generated. Only the .s58 file will be created.
  • DO_NOT_EXCLUDE_SHAPEFILEA shapefile will be generated, along with the .s58 file. This is the default.

Sortie obtenue

NomExplicationType de données

The .S58 file in XML format that contains the errors and warnings from the validation.


Exemple de code

ValidateS57File example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ValidateS57File function.

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Tool variables
base_cell = r"C:\ValidateS57file\US3CA52M.000"
output_path = r"C:\ValidateS57file"
update_cells = [r"C:\ValidateS57file\US3CA52M.001", r"C:\ValidateS57file\US3CA52M.002"]
regional_rule = "" 
ignore_list = r"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Maritime\S-58IgnoreList.txt"
shapefile = "EXCLUDE_SHAPEFILE" 

# Execute the tool
arcpy.maritime.ValidateS57File(base_cell, output_path, update_cells, regional_rule, ignore_list, shapefile)

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Nécessite ArcGIS Maritime
  • Advanced: Nécessite ArcGIS Maritime

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