Coverage Feature Class properties

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archive de l’aide


The Describe function returns the following properties for coverage feature classes. The Feature Class, Table, and Dataset property groups are also supported.

For a coverage feature class, the Describe dataType property returns a value of "CoverageFeatureClass".


PropriétéExplicationType de données
(Lecture seule)

The feature class types.

  • Point
  • Arc
  • Polygon
  • Node
  • Tic
  • Annotation
  • Section
  • Route
  • Link
  • Region
  • Label
  • File
(Lecture seule)

True if the coverage feature class has a Feature Attribute Table (FAT) and False if it does not.

(Lecture seule)

Indicates the state of the coverage feature class topology.

  • NotApplicableThe topology is not supported by this feature class.
  • PreliminaryTopology is preliminary.
  • ExistsTopology exists.
  • UnknownTopology status is unknown.

Exemple de code

Coverage feature class properties example

The following stand-alone script displays properties for a coverage feature class:

import arcpy

# Create describe object from a coverage feature class
desc = arcpy.Describe("C:/data/tongass1/polygon")

# Print coverage feature class properties
print("%-17s %s" % ("featureClassType:", desc.featureClassType))
print("%-17s %s" % ("hasFAT:", desc.hasFAT))
print("%-17s %s" % ("topology:", desc.topology))