FAA 2C (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archive de l’aide

Disponible avec une licence Aviation Airports.

Disponible avec une licence Aviation Charting.


Generates an obstruction identification surface (OIS) for helipads based on specifications from FAA Advisory Circular 150/5390-2C.

This tool can be used to identify obstacles that may impact an aircraft's ability to take off from or land on a helipad. By creating multipatch or polygon features, you can visually identify obstructions in ArcGIS Pro.


  • This tool creates the OIS in an existing polygon or multipatch feature class. The OIS can also be generated in an existing polygon shapefile. If a feature class is provided for the Target OIS Features parameter, it must have a vertical spatial reference.

  • To create a .json file for the Custom JSON File parameter, use the CustomizeOIS.exe utility included in the Aviation Airports Product Data download available from My Esri.

  • If you select the Curved Surface option for the Surface Shape parameter, you must provide polyline features for the Input Flight Path Features parameter for the surface to follow.

    Curved approach surface for helipads

  • The Input Flight Path Features parameter value must be polyline geometry and include an ObjectID field. The polyline endpoint pf the Input Flight Path Features parameter value should be created within a 100 meter search radius of the edge of the Input FATO Features parameter value.

  • The Input Flight Path Features parameter value can be 2D data, because the x and y-values are used to create the direction of the curve.

  • If the PATHID field is included in the Target OIS Features parameter value, it will be populated with the ObjectID value of its source Input Flight Path Feature. This allows Flight Path features to be related to their output curved approach surfaces. The PATHID field (long integer) must first be added to the Target OIS Features parameter value.

  • The Input FATO Features parameter value should be z-enabled polygon features with defined horizontal and vertical coordinate systems.

    Remarque :

    Z-values are required to determine the slope and final height of the approach surface.

  • The RunwayHelipadDesignSurface feature class in the Airfield 18B dataset can be used for the Input FATO Features parameter.

  • If the Input FATO Features parameter has values that are populated in the RWYDESG and IDARPT fields, they will also be populated in corresponding fields in the Target OIS Features parameter value.

  • The ObstuctionIdSurface_MP feature class in the 18B Airspace dataset can be used for the Target OIS Features parameter and contains the expected fields to be populated.

  • The following output attributes will be populated by the tool: DESCRIP, NAME, OISSURTY, RWYDESG, SLOPE, and IDARPT.


ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Input FATO Features

The input Final Approach and Takeoff (FATO) features.

Feature Layer
Target OIS Features

The target polygon or multipatch feature layer containing the OIS.

Feature Layer
Surface Classification

Specifies the classification type of the FATO surface.

  • Non Prior Permission Required (PPR) FacilitiesThese are publically available helipads for general use by pilots. This is the default.
  • Prior Permission Required (PPR) FacilitiesThese are heliports used exclusively by the owner and individuals authorized by the owner to use the facility.
Surface Shape

Specifies the shape of the take off or approach surface.

  • Straight SurfaceThe take off or approach surface is straight. This is the default.
  • Curved SurfaceThe take off or approach surface is curved.
Approach Bearing

The absolute bearing that an approaching aircraft will travel along the surface. A value of 0 will align the surface to true north. The default is 0.

Input Flight Path Features

The polyline flight path features that the curved surface will follow.

Feature Layer
Helipad Elevation

The elevation of the highest point of the helipad. The value must be in the vertical coordinate system linear units of the target feature class. If no value is provided, the highest point of the Input FATO Features parameter value will be used. The default is 0.

Custom JSON File

The import configuration file, in JSON format, that creates the custom OIS.


Sortie obtenue

ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Output OIS Features

The updated feature class containing the generated OIS.

Feature Layer


Cet outil n’utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Nécessite Airports or ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Nécessite Airports or ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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