Remove Cutback Vertices (Topographic Production)


Removes unwanted cutbacks from polyline and polygon features.

Cutbacks are high-angle turns that cause features to turn back toward themselves. These angles affect polyline and polygon features and can be caused during an editing session. For example, through a digitizing error, a river feature may have a short segment (less than one meter) that turns back toward itself and back in the original direction again.


Remove Cutback Vertices tool illustration
Roads before and after running Remove Cutback Vertices with a 40 degree minimum angle are shown. One cutback remains because it touches another feature.


    Attention :

    Cet outil modifie les données en entrée. Pour plus d’informations et connaître les stratégies permettant d’empêcher les modifications de données indésirables, reportez-vous à la rubrique Outils qui modifient ou mettent à jour les données en entrée.

  • If the angle formed by a vertex and its two neighboring points is smaller than the Minimum Angle parameter value, the vertex is a candidate for cutback removal.

  • When the Skip vertices coincident between multiple features parameter is checked, the vertices that have angles smaller than the Minimum Angle parameter value will not be removed from the feature geometry if they touch another feature in the Input Features parameter value.

  • If you performed edits on features in the map prior to running the tool, you can undo the results of the tool. If you haven't performed edits prior to running the tool, you cannot undo the results of the tool.


ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Input Features

The polyline or polygon feature class from which cutback vertices will be removed. This feature class (or layer) will be modified.

Feature Layer
Minimum Angle

The minimum angle threshold value in degrees. The angle value should be within the range of 0–180. If the angle formed by a vertex and its two neighboring points is smaller than the specified minimum angle, the vertex is a candidate for cutback removal.

Removal Method

Specifies whether cutbacks will be removed sequentially (individually) or all at once.

  • SequentialCutbacks will be removed sequentially for a feature. After a cutback is removed, the change in geometry is considered when determining cutbacks to the remaining vertices of a feature. This is the default.
  • AllCutbacks will be removed for all vertices at once.
Skip vertices coincident between multiple features

Specifies whether cutback vertices will be removed when the vertex is snapped to another feature in the same feature class.

  • Checked—Cutback vertices with angles less than the specified Minimum Angle value will not be removed from the feature geometry if they are snapped to other features.
  • Unchecked—Cutback vertices will be removed without considering whether they are snapped to other features. This is the default.

Sortie obtenue

ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données
Updated Input Features

The polygon or polyline features with cutbacks removed.

Feature Layer

arcpy.topographic.RemoveCutbackVertices(in_features, minimum_angle, {removal_method}, {skip_coincident_vertices})
NomExplicationType de données

The polyline or polygon feature class from which cutback vertices will be removed. This feature class (or layer) will be modified.

Feature Layer

The minimum angle threshold value in degrees. The angle value should be within the range of 0–180. If the angle formed by a vertex and its two neighboring points is smaller than the specified minimum angle, the vertex is a candidate for cutback removal.


Specifies whether cutbacks will be removed sequentially (individually) or all at once.

  • SEQUENTIALCutbacks will be removed sequentially for a feature. After a cutback is removed, the change in geometry is considered when determining cutbacks to the remaining vertices of a feature. This is the default.
  • ALLCutbacks will be removed for all vertices at once.

Specifies whether cutback vertices will be removed when the vertex is snapped to another feature in the same feature class.

  • SKIP_COINCIDENTCutback vertices with angles less than the minimum_angle value will not be removed from the feature geometry if they are snapped to other features.
  • REMOVE_COINCIDENTCutback vertices will be removed without considering whether they are snapped to other features. This is the default.

Sortie obtenue

NomExplicationType de données

The polygon or polyline features with cutbacks removed.

Feature Layer

Exemple de code

RemoveCutbackVertices example (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone sample script demonstrates how to use the RemoveCutbackVertices function to ignore cutbacks that are snapped to a feature.

# Name:
# Description: Determines a cutback in a line or polygon based on a provided angle and repairs it.
# In this example, the tool will ignore any cutbacks that are snapped to a feature to avoid creating gaps.

# Import System Modules
import arcpy

# Check Out Extensions

# Set workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = r'C:\Data\Editing_Sample.gdb'

# Setting Local Variables
roads = r"Roads"
minimum_angle = "25"
removal_type = 'SEQUENTIAL'
skip_coincident_vertices = 'REMOVE_COINCIDENT'

# Execute Remove Cutback Vertices
arcpy.topographic.RemoveCutbackVertices(roads, minimum_angle, removal_type, skip_coincident_vertices)

# Check In Extensions


Cet outil n’utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Non
  • Standard: Nécessite Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Nécessite Production Mapping

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