Location Referencing ライセンスで利用可能です。
In ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing, a logical grouping of more than one nonbranching route is called a line. The concept of a line can be used for a continuous section of the pipeline such as mainline pipe, lateral, discharge section, or a piggable segment such as launcher to receiver. While routes are a continuing, uninterrupted range of measure, a line can handle discontinuities in measure (equations).
Where is the line feature class in the LRS data model?
The LRS data model does not have a separate line feature class. In Pipeline Referencing, line information is stored with the Network feature class that uses it. Lines are supported only for LRS line networks.
Learn more about multiple linear referencing methods
Support for lines can be configured during LRS Network creation using either the Create LRS Network or Create LRS Network From Existing geoprocessing tools.
Learn more about creating and modifying an LRS Network
The Line ID is a
system-generated, globally unique identifier (GUID) that Pipeline Referencing uses to associate multiple routes to a single logical group called Line.
Line Order then indicates the sequence in which the routes in the line
are connected end-to-end. As route editing activities are performed, Pipeline Referencing tools regenerate the Line Order as needed. Line Name is a unique
defined name given to a line.
Do I have to configure an LRS Line Network?
No, LRS line networks are optional. If your business
needs require you to handle discontinuities in measure (equations), an LRS line network is the provided
mechanism to support this. For example, when a pipeline is realigned (rerouted), discontinuities are
introduced in measures. These discontinuities in measure are needed to correlate measures between
different timelines of pipeline surveys (before realignment and after realignment). This also gives you
an ability to restrict change in measures downstream of the affected area.
Another advantage of configuring a line network is that
you can model events that span routes. Using the principle of an LRS Line Network, you can track,
locate, and manage the events that occur on the pipeline by their measure (Engineering stations), even
if the measures span routes on a line. Examples of events spanning routes can be DOT Class and Operating