Get started with Workflow Manager (従来版)

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Workflow Manager のライセンスで利用可能。

複雑度: 初心者データ要件: 独自データの使用

Set up a Workflow Manager (従来版) database

The Workflow Manager (従来版)geodatabase is created in ArcGIS Pro using the Create Workflow Database geoprocessing tool. Set up the geoprocessing tool to import the quick-start configuration in the repository while creating the Workflow Manager (従来版)geodatabase.

For more information, see Create Workflow Database.

Set up prerequisites in 10.x Workflow Manager Administrator

The following prerequisites and workflow steps are configured using Workflow Manager Administrator, included in the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Desktop (Classic) extension. However, once applied, these settings are consumed by ArcGIS Pro.

Insert a workflow connection

A workflow connection is a connection to the Workflow Manager (従来版) enterprise geodatabase and provides access to the jobs within the Workflow Manager (従来版) repository. A project can have only one workflow connection, and it is added by using the New Workflow Connection command under the Connections drop-down menu on the Insert tab.

Add workflow connection

The following steps describe how you can add a workflow connection to a project:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Create a project or open an existing project.
  3. Click Connections on the Insert tab.
  4. Click New Workflow Connection.

    The Database Connection dialog box appears.

  5. Browse to the connection file location and select the connection file.
  6. Click Open.

Once the workflow connection is established, it is added to the Catalog pane under Workflows, and a workflow view is opened. For more information about the workflow view, see Workflow view.

Create a job

In ArcGIS Pro, a job is created using the Workflow tab. All the active job templates are available in the Create Job gallery.

Create Job gallery

A job is created by creating an instance or a copy of the job template based on the properties of the predefined job template.

  1. On the Workflow tab, in the Create group, click Create Job.
  2. Click the Landbase Updates job template in the gallery.

    A job is created based on the default properties of the job template. The job view opens to display the job information.

Assign a job and change descriptive information

The created job is unassigned, and a job can be executed only if it is assigned to a user.

  1. On the Job tab, click the Assign To Current User button 現在のユーザーに割り当て.

    The job is assigned to the current user.

  2. Click Descriptive Information.

    Descriptive information for the job appears.

  3. Click the Data drop-down arrow to display a list of data workspaces configured in the system.
  4. Select a spatial database.

    The parent version is populated.

  5. Click Apply.

Execute Landbase Updates job

A job workflow is executed using the workflow execution tools available on the Job tab and in the context menu available on the workflow image itself. For more information about the job view, see Job view.

  1. In the job view, click Workflow.

    The workflow for the job appears.

  2. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click the Execute Step button ステップの実行.

    Prepare is executed and Check version is the current step.

  3. In the workflow image, right-click the current step and click Execute Step.

    Check version is executed and Create version is the current step.

  4. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click the Execute Step button ステップの実行.

    Create version is executed and Edit data is the current step.

  5. In the workflow image, right-click the current step and click Execute Step.

    Edit data is executed and the job map is opened in a map view.

  6. Close the map view.
  7. In the workflow image, right-click the current step and click Mark Step Complete.

    Edit data is marked as complete and QC data is the current step.

  8. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click the Execute Step button ステップの実行.

    QC data is executed and Job map is opened in a map view.

  9. Close the map view.
  10. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click the Mark Step Complete button ステップを完了としてマーク.

    QC data is marked as complete and More edits is the current step.

  11. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click the Execute Step button ステップの実行.

    The Question dialog box appears.

  12. On the Question dialog box, click No.

    The More edits step is marked as complete and Clean up is the current step.

  13. In the workflow image, right-click the current step and click Execute Step.

    Clean up is executed and Notify is the current step.

  14. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click the Execute Step button ステップの実行.

The job status shows 100% Complete.