Set up a Workflow Manager (従来版) database

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Workflow Manager のライセンスで利用可能。

Workflow Manager (従来版) system tables are stored in an enterprise geodatabase. Below is a discussion on the information required to set up the geodatabase for use with Workflow Manager (従来版) in ArcGIS Pro. In the current release, the Workflow Manager (従来版) repository is set up using geoprocessing tools. When setting up a Workflow Manager (従来版) repository, you have two choices to get user store information: Portal and Traditional. When Portal is selected, the user store (user permission and roles) is retrieved from an existing Portal and added to the Workflow Manager (従来版) repository. When Traditional is selected, the users and group roles are defined by the administrator in the Workflow Manager Administrator. These roles may be imported from an active directory or created manually.


The user must be connected to the repository as an owner to perform the postinstallation.

New repository

When a new Workflow Manager (従来版) repository is being set up for ArcGIS Pro, it is required to run the Create Workflow Database geoprocessing tool. The geoprocessing tool will prepare the database by doing the following:

  • Import the Workflow Manager (従来版) schema.
  • Set the spatial reference of the AOI feature class.
  • Add the current Windows user as a Workflow Manager (従来版) user with administrative access.
  • Import the chosen Workflow Manager (従来版) configuration.

For more information about configuring the geoprocessing tool, see Create Workflow Database.

Existing repositories

An existing Workflow Manager (従来版) repository already has all the Workflow Manager (従来版) system tables from a previous version and needs to be updated with changes introduced in ArcGIS Pro using the Upgrade Workflow Database geoprocessing tool.

Existing 10.1 or later repositories

Existing Workflow Manager (従来版) 10.1 or later repositories need to be updated using the the Upgrade Workflow Database geoprocessing tool.

Existing 9.x and 10.0 repositories

Existing Workflow Manager (従来版) 9.x and 10.0 databases must be updated to a 10.1 or later database using the specific postinstallation utility. After the postinstallation utility has updated the repository, the repository must be further updated using the Upgrade Workflow Database geoprocessing tool.

  1. New repository
  2. Existing repositories