Neighborhood geoprocessing functions

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Spatial Analyst のライセンスで利用可能。

近傍解析ジオプロセシング機能では、指定されている近傍内での特定の位置と値に基づいて、セル位置ごとの出力値を作成できます。 近傍タイプには、移動と検索範囲の 2 種類があります。

Moving neighborhoods can either be overlapping or non-overlapping. The Focal Statistics geoprocessing function employs overlapping neighborhoods to calculate a specified statistic for the cells within a specified neighborhood around each input cell. For example, you may want to find the mean or maximum value in a 3 x 3 neighborhood around every cell in an input raster. The Filter geoprocessing function is a specific type of focal operation that uses a high- or low-pass filter to accentuate or smooth the data. The non-overlapping neighborhood geoprocessing function, Block Statistics, allows statistics to be calculated in a specified non-overlapping neighborhood. This geoprocessing function is particularly useful for changing the resolution of a raster to a coarser cell size. The values assigned to the coarser cells can be based on another calculation, such as the maximum value in the coarser cell as opposed to using the default nearest neighbor interpolation.

The search radius geoprocessing functions perform various calculations based on what is within a specified distance from point or linear features. These are the Point Statistics and Line Statistics geoprocessing functions, respectively.


Geoprocessing FunctionDescription

Block Statistics



スムージング (ロウ パス) またはエッジ強調 (ハイ パス) フィルターをラスターに実行します。

Focal Flow


Focal Statistics


Line Statistics


Point Statistics


Geoprocessing functions of the Neighborhood category
