Create ArcGIS Maritime schema

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Maritime Charting ライセンスで利用できます。

ArcGIS Maritime provides data models for the transfer, conversion, and production of hydrographic data. A data model is a database schema that allows the organization of all data types in the geodatabase. Geodatabase topology is included in specific maritime data models to enforce data integrity of products at a specific scale, while others without topology are best suited for enterprise multiuser and variable scale production.

Create a geodatabase

ArcGIS Maritime editing and geoprocessing tools require that the target workspace contains a maritime schema. You can find schemas for the various maritime data models in the resource folder at <installation location>\Resources\Maritime. S-57 data models are provided as XML workspace documents, therefore the create geodatabase tools are recommended to generate the schema. An S-100 schema is generated from an XML Feature Catalogue document using the Import S-100 Feature Catalogue tool.

Data models

The models included in ArcGIS Maritime are for hydrographic data storage of the following:

  • Nautical Information System (S-57 NIS)
  • Electronic Navigational Chart (S-57 ENC)
  • Electronic Navigational Chart (S-101 ENC)

Nautical Information System (S-57 NIS)

The NIS geodatabase model stores large hydrographic ENC datasets of overlapping scale bands. The NIS geodatabase model uses the Nautical feature dataset (without the Nautical_Topology feature class), stand-alone support feature classes, and the support tables.

Electronic Navigational Chart (S-57 ENC)

The ENC data model supports six scales: Berthing, Harbor, Approach, Coastal, General, and Overview. All S-57 objects are available in all six scales; therefore, there is only one ENC data model. The ENC data model contains the Nautical feature dataset, nautical topology, stand-alone support feature classes, and support tables.

Electronic Navigational Chart (S-101 ENC)

The S-101 ENC data model is available as a Feature Catalogue document that supports storing data used in S-101 products. All objects are available in all scales and there is no topology defined; therefore, there is only one S-101 ENC data model. The S-101 ENC data model contains the S-101 feature dataset, stand-alone support feature classes, and support tables.

  1. Create a geodatabase
  2. Data models