Essential Roads and Highways vocabulary

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Location Referencing ライセンスで利用可能です。


Often used in the context of edit activities, which are discrete capabilities supported by ArcGIS Roads and Highways to edit LRS Networks. Roads and Highways supports the following edit activities: create route, extend route, realign route, cartographic realignment of route, reassign route, and retire route.


In the context of linear referencing, an asset often refers to a type of linear referenced event that represents a physical object, such as a milepost, pipe segment, or pipe fitting.

Calibration point

A point feature that defines the measure for a specific location on an LRS route. Roads and Highways uses calibration points to define the measures on the routes. The measures between two calibration points on a route are derived by linear interpolation.


A polyline feature that defines part (or all) of the geometry of an LRS route. Routes in Roads and Highways can share centerlines in the same network (as is the case for concurrent, overlapping, or common routes) or routes in separate networks.

Conflict prevention

Functionality in Roads and Highways that improves support for a multiuser enterprise geodatabase LRS Network and event editing by coordinating route and event edits.


In the context of linear referencing, an event refers to data that is located by its association to an LRS route and measure location. There are two event types. Point events have a single measure along a route, while linear events have a from and to measure along a route. Events are typically modeled in a database with a column for the route ID the record references, a measure column for the location on the route (two measure columns if it's a linear event), and a value (pipe coating). Additional temporal information can also be modeled on the time frames to ensure that the event is valid.

An example of a point event is a crash location referenced to route Interstate 10 that occurred 10.53 miles down the highway. An example of a linear event is the record of a speed limit of 65 mph on Interstate 10 from 0 miles to 20.5 miles.

Event behavior

In the context of linear referencing and Roads and Highways, event behavior refers to the configuration that defines how event measures and route associations respond to changes or edits in the LRS Network.

Roads and Highways, based on network edits, supports the following event behaviors:

  • Stay Put—Keeps events geographically fixed in a location, which may result in event measures changing on modified portions of routes.
  • Snap—Reassigns (or snaps) events to reassigned routes on modified portions of routes.
  • Move—Keeps event measures fixed, which may result in events geographically moving on modified portions of routes.
  • Retire—Retires events on portions of routes that change.

Event lock

Event locks are a capability in Roads and Highways conflict prevention that allow a user to prevent other users from editing events for an event layer on a specific route. When events for an event layer on a route are locked, only the user with the lock can edit those events on the route in the version the lock was acquired. Other users can acquire event locks for the same route on a different event layer, if needed. To acquire an event lock, a user must first reconcile with the default version. To release an event lock, the user must post changes to the locked events to the lock root version. If any event locks exist for a route, no users can edit the route until all event locks are released.

Internal event

Linear or point events that reside inside the geodatabase where the LRS is configured. When registered, Roads and Highways creates an event feature class and manages the shape of the feature based on the route, measure, and to and from dates.

Linear event

An event that represents a segment of a route from a starting measure (or from measure) to an ending measure (or to measure).


Acronym for linear referencing method, a method for defining measurements along linear features for the purpose of linear referencing. Examples of LRMs are State Mile Point, County Mile Point, or Project Stationing.


Acronym for linear referencing system, the method of storing geographic locations by using relative positions along a measured linear feature. The linear referencing system implemented by Roads and Highways on the ArcGIS platform supports multiple linear referencing methods and event measure behaviors.

LRS Network

A collection of routes, measured to a specific LRM in Roads and Highways.


A location along a route based on a distance from a known point of origin.

Point event

An event that represents a single point location on a route at a specific measure.

Project stationing

A system of stationing in which the starting reference station is established at the base of a project location, and all distances along the route centerline are measured from that point location.


A linear LRS feature.

Route lock

Route locks are a capability in Roads and Highways conflict prevention that allow a user to prevent other users from editing a route and events on a route while the route is being edited. When a route is locked, only the user with the lock can edit the route and events on the route in the version the lock was acquired. To acquire a lock on a route, a user must first reconcile with the default version. To release a lock on a route, a user must post changes to the route and events on the route to the lock root version.


Reference points that are placed along the horizontal measurement of a route, centerline, or baseline at a regular interval. Station numbers increase from west to east or south to north based on the cardinal direction of the overall network.


The fundamental system of measurement used by surveyors. For highway or pipeline projects, a starting reference station is first established; then all distances along the route centerline are measured from that point location. Generally, the distance between two adjoining stations along a route is 100 feet. The first station located at the beginning of the baseline is 0+00 and the next station located 100 feet away from it is 1+00. Therefore, a station number of 10+34.05 depicts 1034.05 feet (10*100 + 34.05) away from the starting station.